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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2007
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I can't do this job ! I lost my instruction sheet !!!!!!!!

It is the job at Pre-School ! Please help someone !!!

A.S.A.P. !


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As far as I know, you just don't do anything. I just watch. Sometimes your tama will hit the tune right, and sometimes it will fall. Don't worry. If I'm right, you're on the ok side. :(

lets see, well mine is still a toddler {{im reading this from my instroction sheet}}} okay here's what it says;

Pre-school- If your Tamagotchi is aged 0-2 years, its can attend pre-school; you can see your character interact with the teacher.

That is all it says... So i guess you just sit and watch... it also says {{under another section}}

Once you complete school and have accumulated enough skill ponts, you'll be invited to apply for a variety of jobs.

Hope i helped!

okayy yyyyou were right, but i helped prove it do can i get a thanks from you??

I have mine! But I have to run upstairs first...

Do you mean the JOB (As in you work there?) or going to preschool?For going there:

For preschool:

If your Tamagotchi is aged 0-2 years, its can attend pre-school, you can see your character interact with the teacher.

You said you can't do this "job", so I'm assuming your tama is all grown up and works at the preschool. Kids are getting on and off of the bus. You need to count how many are getting on, and subtract any that get off. When prompted, you enter in the number of kids you believe to be on the bus.

You said you can't do this "job", so I'm assuming your tama is all grown up and works at the preschool. Kids are getting on and off of the bus. You need to count how many are getting on, and subtract any that get off. When prompted, you enter in the number of kids you believe to be on the bus.
THANKS ALOT Tamaliss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, other tamatalkers

thankz again,


i think this is the last time im gonna go out of my way to help someone and then not even be properly thanked.. v4lover

You said you can't do this "job", so I'm assuming your tama is all grown up and works at the preschool. Kids are getting on and off of the bus. You need to count how many are getting on, and subtract any that get off. When prompted, you enter in the number of kids you believe to be on the bus.
Hmm...Ok I got it. I think she's right, I just wasn't sure. I've had that job, and I didn't completely get the details to the job.

Just try to play mini-games alot and try to keep it happy and not hungry then let it go to pre-school thats what i do most :furawatchi:

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