UGH! Stomach..Being..Ripped


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
UGH! I have a really bad stomache.

I have to go to a party soon, and I need some form of relief.

-It's NOT my period.

-Not food poisoning.

- Not Flu.

I don't know what it is, but I NEED RELIEF!

Any tips?!

Umm.... I would say it may be your period cramps or you have apendiccitis. Take a nice hot bath, have some tea or a hot liquid but drink lots of fluids. Most importantly relax till the party. Don't get up alot. If the party your are going to is a swimming party or one that move alot you may need to stay home. If you don't know that they planned to play tag or something, tell them that you need to sit out and just relax. That's all i'm going to say.



Try taking some Advil or a pain reliever of the like.

Then lay down with a heating patch over your stomach.

Yes, finally a topic where I can diagnose illnesses. xD

I say it may be acid reflux. I got it about a year ago and it gave me the worst stomach cramps. Try taking Ziritech (sp). It helps with it. Take nice hot baths, hot tea, and chicken soup. I'm not a doctor. But I do play lots and lots of Trauma Center. xD<-Highlight the sentence behind this.

Another thing to take into consideration is appendicitis. Symptoms include:




•Loss of appetite

•Pain toward the left side of the body

If you have any of the symptoms, contact your doctor *coughDr.Stilescough* ASAP.

I am so sorry for two reasons. 1. I probably sounded too show-offy and 2. I still have no idea what is wrong with you.

Feel better soon!



About the party... if it's moderate to severe, stay home. If it's mild, take it easy. Eat very little, and don't participate in any physical activitys (swimming, tag, etc.). That's all I have for you.


Maybe it is appendictis.

Hope you are better soon

My Dad has Acid Reflux, so I ruled it out, because I know a lot about it.

My mom kept telling me it was gas! XD

It went way after a while, so thanks for the help anyways!

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