UGH WT..?!


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2007
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Ok so my friend's sister called me this morning and she was all "Wanna hang out today?" so I was all "Sure." and she was like "I'm at your front door." and I was calling her a stalker and stuff then I let her in.

So later my friend called and she was "I know you let my sister come over. So I am gonna come over anyway." and I kept telling her to come cuz we aren't supposed to have anybody over and she's coming right now.

AND SHE'S BRINGING TWO OTHER PEOPLE! They are all my friends but I'm not supposed to let them come. Me and my friend's sister locked all the doors and they are like, still coming. We told them that we aren't gonna let them in and they're like "we're gonna find a way."

Why are they doing this?! The reason my friends sister can't go home is because she doesn't have a ride home and she needs a ride home.

Wait.. What? If you're not supposed to have anyone come over, why did you tell her to come?? Just keep telling them not to come. Yell at them if you have to.

They came and scared us to death. Then they were being freaks but they're gone now.

Like the person above said =P Keep them out with force if necessary.

Having someone come in and party at your house when no one is supposed to be over isn't a good thing.

Shut and lock the door, do not let them in. They'll get bored and leave eventually.

In their brain, "Party at ducky's house, yeaaaahhhh!!!!!!!".

What I would do is keep them out. Lock the doors and windows, turn off lights, bring down the curtains. Make them think you arn't home. If they kind of "force" their way in, I would use physical force. xDD

Or just you know, call the police to escort them back home if they're unwelcome :) That would solve a few things. They won't get the picture until you take a bigger step.

Anyway it's been said and done, time to move on now :p

*topic closed*

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