uh-oh!I need help and I need it fast!


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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I have been falling asleep at 2:00am and waking up at noon but I have to change my schedule. And fast!

I have tried the following

Turning off all the light earlier and closing my eyes but i never fall asleep early I just lie in bed bored.

Go to sleep at 2:00am (my "normal" time) wake up early and then stay all day so i'm "tired" earlier at night. *doesn't work*

trieing to calm down b4 bed.(ex.reads in bed and turns on ocean noises and relaxes then tries to fall asleep* but it didn't work!

The only thing I can think of that will save me is sleeping pills but my mom won't let me :eek:

What should I do?School starts in like 6 days and i have to wake up at 7:00am for school!I need help or acvice and i really need help now!!I'm desperate please help!!1

Simple: force yourself to bed.

Or do alot of active things during the day and make sure you're eating properly. If you do, you will most likely feel tired around ten-ish, depending on when you wake up.

Why dont you just go to bed earlier? Like the day before you have to wake up.

Try to calm down ^_~ This happens to me alot and hopefully, I can help.


Okies, first off DON'T eat anything before you go to sleep! If you're gonna eat something make sure it's 2 hours before you go to sleep. If it helps, drink milk before you go to sleep.


Don't bore yourself to sleep! Do something entertaining. Read a book, play video games, then your eyelids will start getting heavy and you'll eventually fall asleep.


If that doesn't help, make sure that when you're going to bed to relax every single part of your body. you don't want to go to bed stressed or anything and you want to be really relaxed. Make sure you don't have anything in mind, or try to pretend you're dreaming(that's what i do xD)


Take a nice relaxing shower before you go to bed, and make sure you're not too hot nor cold.


That's all I can think of for now. If it continues, i recommend you tell your mom to see how she can help? :eek: Good luck though :D

no u dont understand i can try as hard as i can but ik cant fall asleep untill like 2:00am my body doesnt fall aslleep earlier then that trust me i have tried five times!

[SIZE=7pt]I think you have insomnia, its common. It means something is on your mind, and its causing you to stay up, everyone gets it. It doesn't have to be something bad, it can just be excitement for school. [/SIZE]

Talk to your parents, and tell them whats on your mind. If nothing is on your mind, go to sleep at your normal time, then set your alarm for 7:00, so you will be dead tired by 10:00, this helps me.

thfurimmer. .

When I can't sleep I exersize till I feel like I'm gonna die, Than just lay in bed. I fall asleep fast,

Or I do teh second thing you posted, Wake up early and stay awake till your tired early at night.

But [SIZE=30pt] Do.Not.Take,Sleeping.Pills![/SIZE]

Of you keep taking them than you wont be able to sleep on your own later, And My Grandmas friend who took them felt very drowzy during the day and he fell twice, The second one made him die.

I'd say the same thing as x.Saku, read something, draw, surf the web, do something entertaining. If you do something boring, it keeps you up, if you do something fun, it puts you right to sleep. (Weird isn't it? That's how it is for me) I've been going to bed at midnight nearly all summer, and I'm going back to school Monday. I went to bed at 10 last night, probably close to 11 tonight, and about 8:45 tomorrow night. xD

As soon as school starts, your schedule will turn back to normal, as you will be forced to stay awake.

Best of wishes.

I do the same and have a plan (I usually go to bed at 3-6am)I will stay up all the night before the night I go back to school so I will fall asleep early the next day and have some good sleep before school.

(last year I ended up falling asleep at about 4 and then woke up at 7 so I fell asleep during the school assembly)

Mind you this may be hard seeing as you sleep at 2.\ but then making yourself exhausted with excersise could work well in your case.

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Do something that makes your eyes close a little, that does not make your eyes red. I have school in two days, and just keeping my eyes closed 'til my sleep is deep.

I have been falling asleep at 2:00am and waking up at noon but I have to change my schedule. And fast!

I have tried the following

Turning off all the light earlier and closing my eyes but i never fall asleep early I just lie in bed bored.

Go to sleep at 2:00am (my "normal" time) wake up early and then stay all day so i'm "tired" earlier at night. *doesn't work*

trieing to calm down b4 bed.(ex.reads in bed and turns on ocean noises and relaxes then tries to fall asleep* but it didn't work!

The only thing I can think of that will save me is sleeping pills but my mom won't let me :D

What should I do?School starts in like 6 days and i have to wake up at 7:00am for school!I need help or acvice and i really need help now!!I'm desperate please help!!1
me too. for some reason i am NOT sleeping well

proof: time of post

cecib :(

I know exactly how you feel! the same thing is happening to me! For most of the summer i spent my time moving house so carrying boxes everywhere really tired me out. But then we settled in and now me and my sister are awake and online until 2/3 in the morning. Normally we go into our bedroom at 2 and my sister falls asleep straight away but I cant! I'd stay awake reading, drawing, writing, everything! So, what I started doing was having a lamp on for a few minutes before deciding to fall asleep, then when I turned it off, i rolled over to face the wall and hugging a pillow. It makes me fall asleep a little faster but then i dont wake up until 12 or 1 in the afternoon because I'm lazy :D So, if you try that, but force yourself to get out of bed. I need to start doing that!

Hey, you sound just like me! In the beginning to middle of the summer I would play my DS all night and go to bed at like 2 in the morning. Then I'd wake up at like 1 the next day. My parents have helped me get back into a normal routine by putting me to bed earlier and setting my alarm clock to wake me up early. It's been working really well. You should try it!

Make sure you're not on the computer or playing video games when its almost your bedtime. Because your brain is trying to wind down but going on the computer will send signals to stay awake because youre still working. Do something like reading.

I can't sleep either.

Just wake up at around five, and you'll start sleeping earlier, like ten or so.


:D :) :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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