Uhm, help please?


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Knowing how your mom is, I have a feeling that no matter what way you tell her you'll compensate, she'll still be mad ;.;

I agree with some of the suggestions in here. Paper route, hot cocoa stand, extra help around the house, something like that.

It'll take a while to pay back, but I think in the end it'll be worth it.

I guess just try to be brave :/ It's not an easy thing to do, but it needs to be done.

Just out of curiosity, when is the bill due?

I suggest selling your old stuff that you don't use, give your phone to your mum and embrace your punishment. That why you give her the money you earned, and a little less trouble off your back.


Knowing how your mom is, I have a feeling that no matter what way you tell her you'll compensate, she'll still be mad ;.;
I agree with some of the suggestions in here. Paper route, hot cocoa stand, extra help around the house, something like that.

It'll take a while to pay back, but I think in the end it'll be worth it.

I guess just try to be brave :/ It's not an easy thing to do, but it needs to be done.

Just out of curiosity, when is the bill due?
The bill's due on the 27th, but it arrives on the 16th. >_>

- xd3vilx

Out of curiosity are you talking about your mobile phone bill or land-line bill?
Either way $1000 is a huge bill. Just be honest - brace yourself for punishment. Don't sulk, whinge, moan or cry. Don't complain about any punishment given. Be mature.

I'm sorry I can't help more.

Good Luck.
It's my mobile bill.

I know that much, not to moan, cry, etc. It just makes it worse. x_x

- xd3vilx

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