Ultimate tamagotchi!


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Its no fun when you get to choose :[
Well then maybe it should be random! ;)

I just thought of another idea! Maybe there could be a voting poll on a BanDai website and you can vote on some of the features for the actual tamagotchi!

Sound better??? :lol:

Oh yah! But , I really like this topic. Maybe we could e mail the link of this topic and they could look over it :)
Sorry but like said before, BanDai doesn't accept fan suggestions as it has something to do with legal issues.

But it would of been cool! :)

OMG that sounds insane WOWi really love ur idea for a sceond i thought you were really meaning it but you said it was'nt real .Well we can dream :) :) B) :lol:

OMG that sounds insane WOWi really love ur idea for a sceond i thought you were really meaning it but you said it was'nt real .Well we can dream :) :) B) :lol:
Yeh, it is just an idea. But there are many possibilities that in future something similar might be able to be made! B)

So yeh, for now let's carry on dreaming! :p

It would definitly be a great tamagotchi, however you're right about the downsides, plus some of the things wouldn't be able to be added because for instance, some of the game can't be played by a whole family.

It would be really difficult to program such a Tamagotchi, considering that they can only hold so much precious information inside them.
As for me, I've been working on an idea of an "Ultimate Tamagotchi". I've called it the "Clover Edition Tamagotchi".

Some key features that the Clover includes:

  • Green pixels. Like some Japanese versions, the Clover includes a specially colored screen!
  • Adoption. While the growth chart of the Clover is filled with old and new faces, fans can adopt and raise characters from previous versions.
  • Houses and decorating. Owners can now have a house for their Tamagotchi, and buy bigger houses later on. The interior can be decorated with various pieces of items and furniture.
  • Walks. Is your Tamagotchi bored being inside his house all day? Now you can take him for a stroll in the park! Maybe he'll make a new friend, or find special items!
  • Advanced job and school functions. There are many new jobs and games to play, and as a bonus, a new Teacher character as well.
  • Advanced mail function. The Mail system has been revamped to be easier to use.
  • Layback mode. With this, mail and school/job functions are stopped, so you can spend more time with your Tamagotchi!
  • Four new games, and items that raise skill points. Shopping is also still available. Plus tons of new items and foods!
  • Cooking, an ability from the Entama, appears on the Clover. You can mix certain ingredients to create great new foods to raise skill points!
  • Computer and Wii connection! Remove the antenna and plug your virtual pet into a Wii or computer. You can then care for your Tamagotchi in a 3D world, and explore neighborhoods, Tamatown, and even the rest of the Tamagotchi's world! You can communicate with friends and even enter competitions with other Clover owners to see who has the best Tama!
It's been nearly a year since I introduced the idea. Everyone I've talked to about it has been really supportive. :)

In my online blog, you can see some shell designs I've worked on:


And here, you can see a video I've made, as well as images:


I think this is a great idea, OsuMesu21! Are you going to acutally make this tamagotchi? It sounds like a lot of ideas you've planned. When do you think your project is going to finish?


-Temari Nara

:D THAT IS AN AWSOME IDEA :D you some of us should sereiosly send that to bandai :D but your right about the whole cost thing! It would cost more then the entama :D


I'm here to help :D

This is an awesome idea! :angry: My only concern is that the screen would have to be much bigger for strolls in the park, and to make it even easier to see the pixels would hAvE to be colored. <_<

I sent an idea for the v5 in once, I never got a reply, but I wanted my tamagotchi to play music. x3 (as in, songs from downloading them. o.o)

Ages ago I made a post on PC Tama Connection. You can open the antenna (like on that Clover thing) and plug it in. Probably it'll only fit Mini-USB, though, so they give you an adaptor cable.

You could also connect it via Bluetooth to your mobile! Your mobile phone could turn into a Tamagotchi with the simple WAP downlod of the 'Tamagotchi Device'. Your mail could be in your Messages Inbox, your friends in the Contact List, and the main screen being the tamagotchi. There could be speed dials on the number-pad to control the icons.


How about we combine all the versions , jobs , training , characters , games , etc. but with a back light xP
I agree, FamiTama, Tamagotchis need backlights.

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That would be the biggest but best step forward for tamagotchi, GREAT IDEA!

I think this is a great idea, OsuMesu21! Are you going to acutally make this tamagotchi? It sounds like a lot of ideas you've planned. When do you think your project is going to finish?  

-Temari Nara
Thanks, I'm glad you like it. :(

I hopefully should get all of the ideas finished by the end of this year. However, bringing this thing to life is going to be a difficult challenge. I might want to make a computer simulation before even attempting to make a real one.


I found two things that I would like to mention about tamagotchi version ultimate. First of all, in tamagotchi version five, the T.V. shopping channel replaced the shop, so having both would be kind of like having two shops. Maybe the tama could introduce the shop once the tama is more rich, so they can buy more things without waiting for the shop to restock. :D

Another thing: in another topic, someone asked if colour tamas are a good idea, and most replies said it was pointless. But it would be neat to have the pixels different shades of grey. :D

Other than that, Tamagotchi would be awesome- if it wasn't so bulky. This is an especialy big problem when it comes to schools that do not allow electronics. They would be harder to hide, so they would be confiscated a lot. But still- awesome idea! :D :D :D

It would be really difficult to program such a Tamagotchi, considering that they can only hold so much precious information inside them.
As for me, I've been working on an idea of an "Ultimate Tamagotchi". I've called it the "Clover Edition Tamagotchi".

Some key features that the Clover includes:

  • Green pixels. Like some Japanese versions, the Clover includes a specially colored screen!
  • Adoption. While the growth chart of the Clover is filled with old and new faces, fans can adopt and raise characters from previous versions.
  • Houses and decorating. Owners can now have a house for their Tamagotchi, and buy bigger houses later on. The interior can be decorated with various pieces of items and furniture.
  • Walks. Is your Tamagotchi bored being inside his house all day? Now you can take him for a stroll in the park! Maybe he'll make a new friend, or find special items!
  • Advanced job and school functions. There are many new jobs and games to play, and as a bonus, a new Teacher character as well.
  • Advanced mail function. The Mail system has been revamped to be easier to use.
  • Layback mode. With this, mail and school/job functions are stopped, so you can spend more time with your Tamagotchi!
  • Four new games, and items that raise skill points. Shopping is also still available. Plus tons of new items and foods!
  • Cooking, an ability from the Entama, appears on the Clover. You can mix certain ingredients to create great new foods to raise skill points!
  • Computer and Wii connection! Remove the antenna and plug your virtual pet into a Wii or computer. You can then care for your Tamagotchi in a 3D world, and explore neighborhoods, Tamatown, and even the rest of the Tamagotchi's world! You can communicate with friends and even enter competitions with other Clover owners to see who has the best Tama!
It's been nearly a year since I introduced the idea. Everyone I've talked to about it has been really supportive. ^_^

In my online blog, you can see some shell designs I've worked on:


And here, you can see a video I've made, as well as images:


OMG! I think this idea is completely awesome. Send it to Bandai! You could get so rich! I would totally buy one. <3 the shell designs for it too.

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