Un-Tabbed Tama Log


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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
@ Tama Town
I got my Tamagotchi PC PACK yesterday. I am opening it today.

As I pulled the tab put of the beautiful world pattered tamagotchi , my hand was shaking. this is it I though. I put my hand on the tab and YANKED it out. Then , all of a sudden , BEEP! I pressed the middle button. Which sent me to set the year , time , date , etc. I set it down to the exact second ^^ then I entered my birthday and Username.

From there I just watched the egg bounce up and down on the screen. Up , and down , up and down. Gasp! Then it started to shake , and make sounds !!! It hatched and ... IT WAS A BOY!. I named him Bobby.

Bobby needed some attention. I fed him one of each thing form everything on the menu. Then we played the only game there was : climb. We got all the way to 330 cloud! I also connected to a tama that I am babysitting for a friend. ( lol , a girl tama <3 ) It gave my tama a shovel ( I guess it was already wrapped. ) Then we played Climb.

when I came back from the game there was a poop. I cleaned it up and Bobby rejoiced! Then he got sick. It took TWO doses of medicine to get him better. I bought a fishing pole from the store . Bobby was hungry so I fed him some sushi.

He took a nap. When he woke up I played with the shovel. I got 30 GP :) “ then I bought a fish and corn. He was hungry so I fed him the fish. But he hated it and all the happy hearts went down. I filled them back up. Before that he started to cry. I praised him and got a training bar !

I connected with the other tama again. They played a game ( arrows ) and my tama got a perfect score . and got 400 points )! I bought a milk in the shop and my tsbutchi love it <3

BOBBY EVOLVED! Into a character that looks like a donut. ( kuribotchi )Anyways , I used the fishing pole. It gave me 2, 000 points! That’s a whole lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I entered some passwords in my tama. He is playing in the play house. I played the new game , tug – of – war

Stats :

Name : bobby

Age : 0

stage : toddler

skill : Social : 24 , style : 12 , spiritual : 4

training : [/ _______]

points : 3,348

pounds : 24lb

hearts : full

More later

ContinuedI just came back from tama town. I bought a robot since I had so many points. Now im gonna go on the PC PAck. This should be fun!

YAY! I got mail. When I opened it it was a [!].Mrs. Fiss gave me an acceptance to pre-school. I am so happy. Now when I go to tama town I can got to the pre=school and get the souviniers ( like an organ ).

I took my tama to school. He did everything perfect.

More later ~

Bobby cried for no reason. I punished him and got a training point. But he had one hungry and one happy heart down. If filled them both up with food. I got karma mail. It wasn't so good. ( 1 point , 3 hearts , 1 strength ) I came back from the PC thing. Its so awesome. I like the vioce thing xD


I call this edition : Its my luck day

here we go. At 3:00 I went to the shop. it changed. I had like , 2,500 points. I saw 2 CHEST and I bought them both. I opened one and it gave me 500 points . I'll open the other one later. I also bought Pizza and a melon. Several times today i went back to school

More later

I opened the second chest and it turned my tama to a baby. all the hearts were gone ( all the happy ones ). I fed it the magical steak ( filled 2 hearts ) , a melon and an orange. Nows all is well.

MAIL JUST CAME! it was 200 points from the king. My tama is once again happy.


please follow up more on my log. Its getting lonely. Ok , so its not as good as Cyann's form tama zone , SO !?

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I got mail AGAIN. ( geez. seems like every 30 mins. ) it was make up from the king.

so what I found out is , whenever you have *** in any jarm a, the next time you get mail , you'll recieve a gift of some kind

OK! I saw koo koo clock in the shop. It cost 3,500 . I only had 3,050. I played " tug-of-war" expecting to have to play again to get another 50. but it gave me 500 GP! o_o cool. I bought the Koo Koo clock. I wonder what it does. I hear it pops out every hour on the hour ( not when it is sleeping )

- boo hoo - its 7:11 pm . Bobby will have to go to sleep in 39 minutes. So sad ;)

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Last one of the day

This is the last one of the day. The last entry , people.

OK .. So , at 8:00 pm Bobby went to sleep. but I accidentally let him pass out with one hungry heart xD The end of the day stats ARE :

Name : bobby

Training : [///____]

Hungry hearts <3 <3 <3

happy hearts : <3 <3 <3 <3

Gen: 1

gender : boy

stage : toddler

yrs : 0


Social : 41

Style : 26

spiritual : 19

Character : kuribotchi

See ya tomorrow!
