Unexplained Chocolate Addiction


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Can't Americans make decent chocolate that doesn't taste like that cheap horrible stuff you get in 5p crackers?!xx
That's kinda offensive. Our chocolate rocks your socks! I recently ate a WHOLE bar of American chocolate!

Well, I'm not getting the crave after reading this topic. Mabye it's because I just ate a cookie. ^.^

I LOVE chocolate! Every year I get a box of chocolate from my aunt for Valentines Day. I can't get through a day without chocolate. I usually get chocolate as a dessert for lunch at school. BUT, I'm totally skinny! I'm skinnier (sp?) than a rail!

It might be because of your *coughperiodscough* if you have started. =)
I think everyone gets chocolate, though! Only 1 in 50 people dislike chocolate!!! ^.^

I, myself, have a major sweet tooth - no chocolate can escape me! I'm still really slim, but yeah, I love chocolate!

I like Cadbury's Chocolate, Chocolate Brownie (gooey!) and hot chocolate with whipped cream and tons of marshmallows!!!

I hate Hershey's!!! I just moved here to the U.S. after living my whole life in England with Cadbury's. I tried a Hershey's and nearly puked! Can't Americans make decent chocolate that doesn't taste like that cheap horrible stuff you get in 5p crackers?!

Meh. I prefer Nestle's over Hersheys. All the Cadburies here are (chocolate) eggs filled with caramel.

..... Found 'em in a 'sale' box for five cents apiece. :D

Cecib ;)

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I have an addiction to Nutella.

If you seriously want help tel your mom to stop buying it.. or tell her to hide it in a very discrete place. ;D

And she could help you limit how much you consume.

That's what I do.

Try chewing a yummy flovor of gum you like instead. It's ok to eat chocalate its just if you eat a whole bunch all the time thats not very healthy. I stopped my addiction last summer. I had the same problem i used to buy like 3 packages of candy and eat it all really fast.

I'm very suprissed that someone doesn't like chocalate! My dad is allergic to chocolate (he gets super really super bad migranes if he eats it) but sometimes he sneaks some chocolate because it tastes good xD i feel sorry for him!

Basically explained by the title.
I can't stop eating chocolate. Mom's not home right now, and once every few minutes i'm going, getting a quarter a handful, and stuffing it in my mouth.

Can someone help me stop this addiction, or explain why it's happening?

Cecib :huh:
It's called chocolate being really tasty. I used to be the same.

I stopped myself though.

The way you do this. Eat so much until it tastes horrible, you then go off it for about a week. Soon you'll realise that we shouldn't take the food for granted.

Lol why is it that us girls seem to love sweet foods? Like two nights ago we went to a restaurant and for dessert we had an apple pie like thing it had ice cream and cinnamon powder on it mmm! It was so good! My mom and I shared it and my brother ate a cheesecake. We let my dad try some and he was like "WOW! That's sweet!" ( he doesn't like food too too sweet XD ) and my mom and I loved it! :huh: I told my mom maybe it's a girl thing lol.

All I can say is...wow.

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