Universal Characters


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
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I'm quite sick of seeing a lot of topics regarding universal characters. This is my guide to... not getting them.

There are several different things you need to think about when caring for your Tamagotchi, it's possible you lacked in one or more areas if you got a Universal character...

Skill Points- Your Tamagotchi's skill points need to be decent (at least 25 I should think in each area). This applies to Tamagotchi Connexion versions 4 and 4.5 only.

Food- Try not to let the Hunger meter on the status screen go down below 3 full hearts. If you do let the Hunger hearts drop to 2 or less consistantly, you might be on the road to getting a Universal character.

Happiness- Try not to let the Happiness meter on the status screen go down below 3 full hearts. If you do let the Happiness hearts drop to 2 or less consistantly, you might be on the road to getting a Universal character.

Weight- Try to keep the weight down. Play games until your Tamagotchi won't play any more if you're unsure what weight to keep it at. I know Ichigotchi can go down to 0g due to a common glitch, you might as well let its weight go down so much, it won't die from that.

Discipline- Try to get the Training bar as full as you can. If your Tamagotchi cries, praise it, if your Tamagotchi beeps when it still has at least one happiness and one hunger heart full, punish it. If you wrap a present and send it to another Tamagotchi Connexion version 4 and your Tamagotchi sends a bad present and comes back pulling a weird face at the bottom of the screen (not while coming back, when it's come back) you should punish at this time.

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