Unknown Nano Fighter?


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I've never seen one of these before, but it looks like, for the Japanese release, they named them after real-life fighters (in this particular case, a karateka and kickboxer from Switzerland called Andy Hug), and tied it in with the K1 GRANDPRIX, which was a kickboxing series that was broadcast by Fuji TV. What a neat find! :D

The packaging also suggests that at least a couple of others exist, though of those I can see that Andy Hug is repeated, and one other is unreadable for me at this resolution. One that is clearly named is Peter Aerts, who is a Dutch kickboxer.

The only thing that I don't quite get is how these relate to the publishing-house Kodansha.

Anyway, I don't know if these being based on real kickboxers carries through to the characters' looks and abilities on these devices, but these are a really cool tie-in item.

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My boy arrived.....but all of the internals were removed...! Ouch! But it seems almost mint condition. No internal damage, no battery  leakage. Wtf? 

Update : Well forgive my ignorance ! I must be very bad at understanding the internals on Nanos. After opening up a second one I could see that actually no parts are missing just very different than the digimon pendulum I fixed! A little work on the springs fixed it easily.  I feel extremely dumb! Errrr.

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