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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2007
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Umm... around.
I don't know what to call my story yet. I need help. Once you read Part One of Chapter One can you please help me think of a title?

Chapter One

- Charlotte

It was 9:00 A.M when I got the call to report to work. Everyone was there. All the firefighters… all curious to know why we were called out 10 hours early. I work at night, so that way I can work while my husband takes care of the baby. I don’t work during the day, because that’s when my husband works. Its like clockwork.

My name is Charlotte. I’m 32, I have a degree in Language Arts and I write books and advice columns. I also work in the fire department. I have a 4 month-old baby girl named Carson. This is my second marriage, and my husband is perfect. His name is James and he is 34, and on his third marriage. He never had kids, and he absolutely spoils poor Carson silly.

“Why are we here, man! I have a family who needs me!” One of my colleagues yelled.

“Because. We are being set on high alert. There are giant wildfires spreading through California. We live in Oregon, and the government wants to warn us. I thought calling all 10 of you would be a big waste of time. Now… leave.”

Walking out, I grabbed Erica-my best friend-by the wrist and dragged her by the column of the building. “What was this all about? He had more to say, I know it.”

Erica shrugged. “We all know George… he tends to lack the ability to break bad news. He’s probably cutting us off all pay next week, so he wants to feed us a bunch of crap.”

I nodded. “Your right,” and I walked to my car. I put the key in the ignition and drove home.

James was ready to leave. He said, “I’ll be home around 3:00 okay?” I nodded and he kissed me on the cheek and went out the door.

Carson was in her playpen, pulling our cats tail. Poor Fee Fee was going to lose her tail and fur. I dropped my shoulder bag on the ground and picked up my daughter.

“Are you hungry?”

“Mama!” She squealed, her eyes filling with excitement. I couldn’t help but smile, she was across between me and her father. Now what to do about work…

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Well, its a bit bland. Like llama-fur mixed with asprin and talapia. (You said creative. 0:)

At least for a first chapter. For a prologue, not bad. Prologues are good. Like iPod docks on a hot summer's day.

Its also very, very short. Like a hobbit. Very short indeed.

You said creative and I gave you creative so enjoy your creative! D:<

I agree with princess08. (By the way, did you mean constructive criticism or something? Anyhoo, creative is...okay.)

And for a first chapter it's very short. Again, like princess08 said.
