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Active member
Mar 2, 2008
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Age: 3

Tama: :D

Gen.: 1

Tama version: 4.5

lbs.: 52

Color: Yellow with mulitcolored polkadots

What: My tamagotchi unpaused itself right before my very eyes!

When: November 1st, 2008

Why: Maybe because I had left it paused for weeks?

Aftermath: My tamagotchi beeped, the pause disapeared, and then it died.

What happened to my tamagotchi?

i think u just left it on to long, try reseting it then downloading it :D
I left my Tamas on Pause for a Month and nothing LIKE This Happened. :angry:

Try Changing the Battery. Reset and DownLoad? :(

It's Definatly a Glitch. :D

I guess that was just a glitch but thanks for the info.I left my tama paused when I went to stay away camp for a week.When I came back my tama was unpaused and dead,and when I asked my mom if anyone had been in my room while I was gone (I have no siblings by the way) and she said no.Now I know how my tama possibly died.

Hmmm... that's very interesting and odd. Maybe you left it paused too long. Or maybe your battery just moved and that caused it. 0r your brother or sister did something... nah

Maybe if or when you had it in your pocket it unpaused from hitting the buttons, and it did that. I'm not sure...

probs a glich coz i left my tama (v4.5) paused from Boxing Day 07 to a few days ago and nothing like this happened.... :angry: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

I had my tama paused for six months. SIX MONTHS and it never unpaused itself.

maybe I'm just lucky.


Yeah, maybe a Glitch, but you say it died once it had unpaused?

I haven't got a V4.5, so I'm not entirely sure, but wouldn't it unpause itself so you know it is going to die?

Oh, but then... It wouldn't die 'cause it was paused...

This is confuzzling. o_O

I'd say a Glitch then B)

Best Wishes


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