Unresponsive button


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Coryn Asur

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2015
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The A-button of my V4 has become unresponsive - I have to push it about three times before it actually does something. Is there a way to repair the button or do I just have to accept my fate?

You could try opening it up and cleaning the circuit board around the button. It would be best to use a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol for this. Here's a pretty helpful guide for opening your tama: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-custom-backgrounds-for-your-tamagotchi/?ALLSTEPS(I know it's for inserting a custom background, but it still goes through all the steps. :p )

Don't forget to take your time (especially on step number 3. The sound wires are attached to the circuit board and the case so be very careful not to pull it off too fast). Good luck!

Thank you so much for the information! That looks really helpful and I might try it sometime, hopefully my precious will be alright after this. ^_^ I still have one question, though; do I have to remove the buttons (if that's even possible)? I'm really new at cleaning Tamas.

You should take the buttons off in order to get to the contact pads. In some cases, the buttons are already off the board, so you don't need to do anything. It should be fine as long as you can reach the contact pad and clean it with a Q-tip and alcohol. :]

Thank you as well! I'm pretty sure I'm going to do this, because it doesn't sound too difficult. :3c Also, I think this works on buttons that get stuck down too?

It should work, as you have full access to the buttons underneath. I think you just have to reseat the buttons if it ever does that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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