Unwanted Attention From Guys/Girls


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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
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This one guy who I really dislike always looks at me, looks at my... yeah... and is so annoying. I hate his excessive swearing and lies about how he drinks and how he drives underage. He follows me around everywhere and expects me to like him.

Do you get any unwanted attention from guys/girls?

Too much, from more than one guy. I try not to come off as too rude, though..

With the exception of Shane. If I smack him upside the head and tell him to get away from me, there is a reason.

Rawr. I hate it. D:<

Especially from Steve. I want to kill him sometimes.

He does the studpiedest things around my band faimly. D:< Such as acting like a dumbass.

But he get's yelled at by Mr.Scaturo! :]

I used to have a friend who ended up as a "stalker".

He's toned down, but still annoying the living daylight out of me. He even asked my best friend out again, AFTER crushing on me.

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Theres this guy that I have 3 classes with that WONT LEAVE ME ALONE. He flirts with a lot of other girls too, which makes it worse that he talks to me (that doesnt really make sense, but IDK) THe other day he said that we "broke up" but he still wasnt over me or something. He asked me for my phone number once. I totally rejected him. There is also this obese kid that wont stop talking to me and calling me a ho. He also said that one of my teachers called me that and likes to lie alot. And we all think he is a girl. Then there was this cute boy that gave me hugs and said "mine" when he hugged me and one time walked me to lunch with his arm around my waist... which was kinda weird because I dont really know that guy. Hmmph.

Guys at this age are strange


OMG there was also this guy that I dont know that was air humping me this morning... it was scary O.O He was all like "ntz ntz ntz ntz! This is how I dance at the CLUB!"

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Oh, my gosh. YES I get unwanted attention! Mainly from only one guy, though. You might have read about him before, I called him "Wesley" in a couple of other topics.

So anyway, "Wesley" constantly flirts with me. It really annoys me (see my topic called "Just Not Interested"). It's not like he does anything threatening or innappropiate to me; but he's always walking my way, staring at me, playing with me hair, etc. It's just really weird. I don't like him and he already has a girlfriend. I hear he does this sort of thing with other girls, too (PLAYER, right?!?). It's just starting to make me feel pretty uncomfortable.

Ughh Nate.

Everytime I'm on AIM, he IMs me. And we used to talk, but now the conversation dies after, "whats up?" "nothing much you?" "nm". Blarghh. D:<

It's like, as soon as I take my away message off, he pounces. And then he says cheesy, creep stuff like, "How does it feel to be the most beautiful girl on line?" And at Thanksgiving, he was like, "I'm thankful for you!" ;__;

He asked me out over the summer and I told him no, that I'd rather be friends. Then he asked me out again and I told him the same thing. And he just doesn't get it. -__-

So yeah, I know exactly what you mean.


OMG there was also this guy that I dont know that was air humping me this morning... it was scary O.O He was all like "ntz ntz ntz ntz! This is how I dance at the CLUB!"
Okay.. O_O


I'm also a a attention giver. o_o Whever Brian sings[Or something dumb beyond those lines] I look at him, the he's all "WHAT?! D:<".. Weird kid. I swear.

Also, once he wanted attention, so at Band rehearsal, he was strip dancing with his trombone..


Also, next to Steve, there's SCOTT. O______O He scares me, and he always looks at me if I am just reviewing a song.. And he sits SO close to me in Jazz band. OwO Our shoulders are only like..... 1 inch away. Then he apologizes for the stupidest things, just for me to talk to him. Once, he was attacking George, and he said "Sorry Skadi."

. O_O

Yes. By three girls. My mom is friends with their moms so that's how I know them. They were both at my house one time and they don't really get along too well with each other. They always fight over who gets to talk to me.

Whenever I try to talk to them they get all embarrassed and nervous when I just want to have a normal conversation. After they turned 11 or 12 they started acting really weird. We were like best friends in 1st grade though. :D

Perverted guys in my class often get the rolling of my eyes or the *dont you even dare* look from me. (im developed in my class like the only one who is) but this yr the "comments" and ac tually dances *shivers* have gone down

This really creepy kid named Jonathan always stares at me in Social Studies and he always tries to talk to me and flirt with me and i already have a boyfriend. This kid is reallyyyy starting to scare me.

OMG YES! ^_^

It's very annoying!

There's this guy, well let's call him A. A is always bothering me, and asking questions like, "Do you like flowers?" "Do you like chocolates?" "Wanna go out?" "Wanna make out?" "Do you like me?" "Am I your best friend?" "What's your favorite color?" "What's your screenname on AIM?" "What is your phone number?" He's always always following me and staring at me. He was in my art class, and he got on my nerves. He even had an argument with his friend, arguing whether which one of them was was my 'best friend' o_o

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Yes!! Lots of guys in our class are just entering "that age", and they're always trying out cheesy pick-up lines on the girls - including me. Sometimes it's disgusting and I tell them to get lost, sometimes I just laugh because it's kind of funny and they're only teasing. :eek:

No, thank goshh. I know this guy who likes me sends me messages sometimes and says what's up, but it really doesn't bother me, I just delete them all, lol.

There was this one guy I knew who was so desperate he asked like.. every girl out in middle school.

So one day I gave him a note and decorated it with pretty flowers and hearts. It read "here's me number *insert number* <33". It was actually the Pizza Hut number! :eek:

My friend asked him if I had called me when she saw him during the summer and he's like "uh.. i lost the number.."

Eh, good times. ;D

There's a girl who follows me and my friends around ALL the time. She's my friend I guess, but sometimes she gets annoying. She's "special" and I really don't want to hurt her feelings but she doesn't get the concept of personal space. I do like her as a friend but sometimes she kinda bugs me. If you don't look at her, she'll move so you do and sometimes it's hard to understand what she's saying.

Then there's this kid who stares at me during the dances and always does things to get my attention. He's liked me since Kindergarden, and we used to be friends but now it's just creepy, although sometimes he can be kinda sweet. He's a bit annoying though... I don't like him back though.

There was this one guy I knew who was so desperate he asked like.. every girl out in middle school.
So one day I gave him a note and decorated it with pretty flowers and hearts. It read "here's me number *insert number* <33". It was actually the Pizza Hut number! :lol:

My friend asked him if I had called me when she saw him during the summer and he's like "uh.. i lost the number.."

Eh, good times. ;D
Lol! That's funny, but kind of mean. There's a guy like that in our school. Every girl in our year has rejected him!! (Including me!) He can sweet talk, but he's not a very nice person, and very arrogant. Nobody's pranked him like that, though [..yet]

Lol! That's funny, but kind of mean. There's a guy like that in our school. Every girl in our year has rejected him!! (Including me!) He can sweet talk, but he's not a very nice person, and very arrogant. Nobody's pranked him like that, though [..yet]
Yeah I know. :huh:

I wouldn't do that to someone who actually liked or was serious or whatever - but this guy asked me and my friend out literally two seconds apart!!

He was too desperate and it was really annoying. He could be fine if he wasn't always asking you out but eh..

I feels no remorse, none the like! :D

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