user name nick name


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Yes I do. It's TG. But see, only certain peeps can call me me that. And also, another nickname of mine is ^.^. Yes, ^.^.


Heheh I could be DK. Donkey Kong! Nah. DK for DancinKayley. LOL!

I just thought of a nickname for myself. you can call me:





but i still put kuchipatchiluver :furawatchi: :lol: :furawatchi: at the end of my posts but those are my nicknames.


kuchipatchiluver :furawatchi: :lol: :huh:

Mine is h99 but at the end of my post I put




mine is pl or b1.

from, ♥b1 and pl♥

Whoa...I have MANY names...On here people usually call me HL.....or H♥er if they can do the ♥ sign.....or GaaraForever, If you know how much I am obsessed.....element10072.... or just plain 'weird'.....Normally HL though, but I prefer GaaraForever, Which is shortened to GF.


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