V.3 Tamagotchi Owner's Beginner Guide


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May 6, 2006
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When you feed your tamagotchi any snack,it gains 2 pounds.Meals are 4 pounds.Understandably,Tamagotchi's need to be fit and healthy.Don't let it snack all day! Play at least 6 games per day with your tamagotchi to keep it fit.

When you recive your tamagotchi baby,it is very hunger and unhappy.Feed it 3 meals of sushi.Now,feed it 1 pudding.Wait a bit,then feed it 2 puddings.Now feed it one last pudding.Normally,tama babies are 15-20 pounds after the first feeding.When you get the baby,it originally weighs 5 pounds.Play a game with your tamagotchi.Soon after getting the darling baby,it will take a short nap.Note that babies do not stay babies for very long.Also,if a baby has a dark coloring,it's a boy.White is a girl.

Staging takes awhile.At first,your tama only stays a baby for a little bit.It's now a child.It won't take any more naps.After a day,your tama will be a teen.After 2 days,your tama will become an adult,the final stage.

When your tama is an adult,at 7 Years Old (7 days in human) it will get a visit from the Matchmaker.The matchmaker will suggest a mate your your tama.If you say yes,your tamagotchi will have a baby.After 24 hours,the parent dies and you name the baby.The newborn inherits all it's parents items.Remember,there is no telling how many times the matchmaker will pester you,so chose wisely.Also,the maker will not come if your tama has already mated with another tamagotchi.It is possible to get twin tamagotchis.If you never find your tama a mate,it will miserably die of old age.It's a sad thing,so a mate is reccomended.Also,the mate should be of the opposite gender,unless you want to go through the hassle of 50 more connections than normal just for the cruel enjoyment and laughing.

When your tama is a baby,the only game avalibale is Get The Note.In this game,you use button "A" and button "C" to move a "Note Catcher" around.The notes will fall from the sky.When they do,place your Note Catcher under them and let them fall in.Aviod dung,beacause if you catch it you've lost.

When a child,a game called "Bump" is added.Anybody can play this,even blindfolded! All you have to do is rapidly press button "B" over and over again.Surely you are to win.

At a teen,two games are added.Flag and Heading.In "Flag",your tamagotchi is holding two flags.Above the tama,another flag will flash.The flags are etheir on the left side or right side.If the flag above is on the left side,press button "A".If on the right,press "C".If two flags appear above,press both buttons at once.Soon,which side it's on won't matter,color will.You have a white and a black flag.If the flag above is black,no matter what side the button above is on,press "A".If the flag above is white,press "C".After awhile,short stuby flags will flash before the real ones,do not pay mind to them.

In heading,a ball falls from the sky.Use "A" and "C" to move right and left.The ball will etheir fall to the left,right,or middle.Quickly tap the button (A or C) you need to use to get there.Once under the ball,quickly press the middle button.The ball will bop of your heading,and fall back down in the same or other place.Keep doing it under you mess up or beat it.If the ball hits the ground,you lose.If the ball hits your head without you jumping up to bop it,you are out.

Finally,for adults,memory and sprint.Let's start with memory.Above your tama,tiny arrows will point etheir right,left,or up.After they are done flashing,it's your turn.Hopefully you memorized the pattern of the arrows.For example,if the arrows you just saw went Right,Left,Right,Up you'd press "C" for right,"A" for left,"C" for right,"B" for up.

Next is Sprint.In this game,you keep pressing any button to try to beat the tama competing against you.Which around with the buttons you press,it might help. *hint,hint*

Now for the shop.You get Gotchi Points from games.Use it as money.Now we go to the shop to spend the points.Get to the shop by clicking to "Games" and scrolling down.You can look through the items using "A" amd "C".If you want an item and have enough Gotchi Points,press "B" to purchuse it.If you buy all the items,you can't buy any more for a little while.In a bit the shop will restock.Also,there are shop codes.I don't have time to jott them all down,but you can find them on the fourm.I'll tell you the basics.When you find a code,go to the shop front and press "A" once.Then press "A" three times quickly.The shopkeeper will give you a shocked look.Then,you punch in the code,and recive the item.

If you go to Tama Town,or if you go on a trip or if you donate 5,000+ points to the king,you earn passwords.ON your tamagotchi,go to the "Game" icon and scroll down to passwords.Type in the password you recived and you'll get the item.The item will etheir be put into "Items" or "Souvenir". Yay for you!

Your tamagotchi will go to bed at 8:00 P.M and wake up at 8:00 or 9:00 A.M.When you tama sleeps,turn the lights out by clicking the lamp.Also,if you have a Lion Doll it sleeps with it until it becomes an adult.

Connections are simple.If you wanna connect with other tamas,make sure another tamagotchi's Infa Red Sensor if touching your tama's.Go to the heart button and chose etheir V.3 if the tama you want to connect with or "Others" if it's a V.1 or V.2. Pick from etheir game,present,or visit.The other tama must pick the same exact thing to do.In present,one tamagotchi goes over to the other to give it a gift.If you don't have a gift wrapped,it will chose something random.If the tama gave the other one something bad like a snake or dung,scold the tama who gave the gift.In Visit,two tamas just visit each other and do something together.In Game,two tamas compete for a small amount of Gotchi Points.After connecting,the tama you connected with is added to the friend's list.The more you visit the tama,the closer they get.If they have all happy faces by adulthood,they happy faces turn into hearts.

If your tama does something bad,like beeps when it doesn't need anything,give it a Time Out.You're tama will earn a training point.If you feel like you tamagotchi just needs a little re assureance and a pat on the back,click praise to let it know how fabulous he or she is.

If your tama has a black skull above it or if it has a tooth looming over it,your tama is sick.Quickly click the Medical Bag to fix 'em up.Sometimes it takes more than 1 dose!

Did your tama make a mess?Clean it up!Hit the Tiolet icon to clean it all up.Did you know tamas can get sick from living in filth?

I basicly covered the Ground Rules for a Happy Lifestyle of a tamagotchi.After you learn the basics,go even further!Get tons of fantabulous codes and cheats to make yourself a very educated tamagotchi owner.The Advanced World of Tama Owning is Great!

:furawatchi: Thanx for the guide! i've been feeding it to much! but what games should i play? Get bump flag heading memory or sprint? :D :blink: :) :eek: :wacko:
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