v 4.5 diary!


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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2008
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hiya! welcome to my v 4.5 diary! my tama looks like yogert not the charictar!(srry cant spell well!)so heres how it will work when im talking the color will be blue and when my tama is talking it will be green k? good.

please feel free to pm me any time you want and give me tips and tricks!






im hungy! and poopy!


*sigh* again? ill be there in a min. chris


(just to let you readers out there my tamas name is chris i named her that cause of christmas!)


tank you mommy!


your welcome sweeti-OH MY GOSH!


what ma?


you evolved!




alright well of to bed you have a long day ahesd of you now go-go!


*sigh* fine


alright well i gtg we'll come back 2marrow! bye![/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color]

well i just got back from my performence at the new regenals bank and they gave me a free piggy bank! i named him ralfity-ralf-ralf! my friend named hers bobbity-bob-bob!

chris hasent evolved yet but im hoping she will tonight!

she just pooped... *sigh*

she got mail too she got a snake and poop....poor chris = (

in her star mail she got 1 piont star 2 streanth stars and 3 health stars!

chris: mommy! i want to go to tama town! its time for pre-school!

k bye!

hold on....aaaaw...yayay!!!!!!!

sorry my tama had to quit pre-school (that was the aaaaw)

and is now going to elementry! (that was the yayay!)

she's still only one year old thoe

if you wondering wat she looks like she kinda looks like a cross between a memetchi and a flower!

she used to look like a upsidown acorn with no cap!

now she's drinking out of a mug!

oh i 4gots to tell u she evolved @ 7:51 last night!

im thinking she will be an adault somtime around 2marrow night

so far here are her points: funny:47 gorgeas:18 spiritual:26

and here is her fortune: 3 money stars 1 heart star 2 streanth stars

she has 3 training! and shes 38 pounds!

i gtg to tama town! its time 4 school!

i just gots back from tamatown and i saw a pic of chris in color! shes soooooooo cute!!!!!!

she is a ureyoungvioletchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttteeee!!!!!!!!


all thanks to coloritchi im going to get a music star for christmas!!!!!

(he gave me a link) i e-mailed the link to my mom told her to read her e-mail

she did i left the room 5 min later i came back and she was reading a conformation with

MY address on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she won't admit she bought it though i asked her if she buought it and she just said

that she "didnt want to talk about it"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gtg bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

this morning i woke up at 8 and chris woke up at 9 i played tug-of-war and now here are her points:

funny: 87

pretty: 44

spiritual: 97

her mail:

fortune: 2 money 2 hearts 2 streanth

letter: none

!: none

she now has 6 training!

she will prob evolve 2night!

please pm me and tell me when the matchmaker will come!

oh and i wont b able to post later or tomarrow and possibly the next day cause my mom has to do billing for my dads company

pm me if you want to know wat he dos!

chris: mom lets go wrap presents!

k bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok i just answered the 3rd Q. for the 12 days of tamagotchi! i think i did it a little late though but if i dont win i will just keep answering untill i do!

btw chris evovled! she is a uravioletchi!

when will the matchmaker come?

i forgot to tell you her points!

here they are:




i read on ta,atown that if you get 140 points in one catagory and

160 in all you might get to pick your own job!

it turns out that e-mail my mom was reading was for my brothers leather jacket he is geting =( but...

we went to toys-r-us and they had them! so my mom is not done shopping yet witch she should be but she will get me one i KNOW! so YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


chris just got married!

she married a mametchi! now she is on the screen with her baby!

i need a name! pm me and give me a name please!

the rober came TWICE today it makes me sad =(

chris should be leaving to night them me and getto

will visit her in tamatown!

well i stayed up untill chris left at midnight she got up and stared at her sleeping baby

for like 5 min them cryed then left i got up at 10:30 and she was crying! so i named her fed her

and all that so far she has 1 training bar cause she was crying and i praised her!

earlyer we visited chris but she wasnt there only a talking couch i think thats the dad! :furawatchi:

getto: i hungy! i want miwlk!

ok here

getto: yummy! i want to go to tamatown and play games!

no not till your older we only visit mommy and daddy at tamatown!

getto: fine

please pm getto she wants to talk!

gtg! bye-bye!


getto is now a child she turned into one yesterday so she should change in to a teen later!

we went to tamatown and visited chris and the couch (they realy meant you will turn into a couch potato!)

and just to let you guys know i might not be posting after christmas when i get my music star cause i like to focas on one at a time!

getto: i wanna be a teen!

mabe later k?

getto: ok!

gtg bye! ill post more l8er!



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