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Jan 30, 2008
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I don't know what to get my boyfriend for V-day...

Girls: What would you get guys

Guys: What would you want for V-day?

I desperatly need help :] Much appreciated :]

I'm a boy.. Us boy's don't like all that fancy stuff like flowers, and all that.. You could make him dinner, us boy's like to eat ALOT!! If I were you I would give him a dinner at the keg, or white spot or somthing like that. Nothing to fancy.. This is just my opinion though. But I really don't know any boy's that like 100% fancy unless it is a funeral or a wedding.. (no offence to boy's that do Like fancy stuff)

^^ Feed them Sugary Chocolate :huh:

Lots of food and a trip to the cinemas or somthing. Or maybe something to do with a hobby of theirs as well.

Heh! I may not be much help, I've got the same problem. But since a bunch of my friends are guys, I can tell you some stuff.

-Boys are not fancy

-Makeup and frilly dresses scare them

-Do something you both think is fun (snowball fight, anyone?)

-don't spend a bunch of money on them (u know, stuff 4 them)

-goofy stuff is usually all right with them

Good luck w/ your boyfriend! All I've done so far is made a sloppy looking card....

Maybe get him some chocolates or something? I wouldn't go with flowers, I think they're cheesy...

I got my husband a computer game he has been wanting for the past 2 weeks lol he played the trial version and has been wanting it since. (Its Pirates of the Buried Sea)

I don't know what to get my boyfriend for V-day...
Girls: What would you get guys

Guys: What would you want for V-day?

I desperatly need help :] Much appreciated :]
Does your school do something where you can buy a card or a flower (or both!) and send them to a friend or crush or boyfriend or something? If so, then do buy one for your boyfriend.

My school makes hearts on which students who buy it can post a message or dedication to someone and it's optional for it to be anonymous. Every one that's bought is put up in the cafeteria so everyone sees it. I put one out to my crush (anonymously of course!!). I love that :p

Hmm. I would get him a videogame, candy, or like, a book he might be interested in, or if he likes art, art stuff, etc. If he likes sports, get him some sort of sports thing and wrap it up nice, or something..

Also, cookies might be okay for him, maybe.

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You could burn a CD for him with a mix of your favorite songs and his favorite songs. :) That would be cute.

Boys do love food. You could get him a gift card to his favorite resteraunt. Or a gift card to a Game Stop or music store would be nice too.

Good luck! ;)

Perhaps pay for a movie date to a movie he's been wanting to see since he saw the previews, and perhaps before that go to his favourite place to eat (be it fast food or otherwise) or after the movie, whatever would work best for you :)

That's good, I guess. But we've already seen all the movies we wanted to see...I know! I'll invite him over for videogames! That's our favorite thing to do together!

Thanks for the pre-idea!

Does your school do candygrams? You could give him one of those. Or just send him a note saying happy valentine's day or whatever you want to say with some candy attached to it or something.

Here are some of the things,

1. Something he has been dieing for forages. That will make him soooo happy!!

2. Going to the cinema or a night out is good.

3. Give him a valentines card. Something simple, I wouldn't go for anything with frill and loads of bows and everything.

I hope I helped!!


Hmmm... make sure its not to cheesey or girly. OHHH maybe you could go to a collectors shop and get an autographed baseball? or football?? I dont know.

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Well, I dunno about you. But I'm just going to give my Boyfriend my love. :3~

And I think thats what he's gonna love best!...Well I guess I am going to give him a couple other things...

But I'd rather not say, since it's kind of...Well embarrassing for me. xD~ lol

But you should just give him chocolates or a big "I love you long time" Sort of hug! Or a card you either made or bought! :3~

Jeez~ One problem with Valentines Day is that Commercials and advertisements make you think that YOU NEED to give a present to that special someone.

But you really DON'T HAVE TO. x)~♥

Besides it's Valentines Day! Not Hallmark day. :3~

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Eh.....I need to make a Valentine. I am waaaay to shy to tell Chandler I like him, so I am going to ask his 3rd period teacher to give him a Valentine for me.

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