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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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ok Valentines day is tomarrow and every one is getting each other somthing, and im lik "ZOMG!!!" cuz i have nothing to give, i was making these chocolates (yes MAKING) from my moms old recipe but they take foreEVER! it takes me, like, three hours just to make 4!! (im not exagerating!) i dont no what to do!!

Buy a bag of candy and give every one a piece. That is the simplest solution. If you can't get out to the store, try making something easier - a batch of cookies or something. :blink:

Good luck!


Go with the school classic..Just buy some valentines YOU like and pass them out with a candy of your choice to the whole class. I had hello kitty ones in 5th grade xD



Meh, join the club. ;)

I'm not doing anything for Valentines Day. I'm not giving out cards, or giving anybody anything.

If you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, then I personally think it's a waste of time. Valentines Day is too artifical. Yeah, if two people are going out you could give them something nice but if you're alone on Valentines day...well, let's just say I don't bother with that sort of thing anymore.

Meh, join the club. :) I'm not doing anything for Valentines Day. I'm not giving out cards, or giving anybody anything.

If you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, then I personally think it's a waste of time. Valentines Day is too artifical. Yeah, if two people are going out you could give them something nice but if you're alone on Valentines day...well, let's just say I don't bother with that sort of thing anymore.
I do. I make my own Valentines and everything. Valentines Day is one of my favorite Holidays. ;)

It's not a waste of time, and not having a bf/gf isn't the end of the world.

I know I don't have anything to give neither! I need to give my buddy's something and I wanted to give this boy I like a Valentine too but yeah... XD Happy Valentines day you guys ;) !


[SIZE=14pt]I CAN HARDLY WAIT FOR IT! [/SIZE] ^_^ "!! ~

Theres so much I have planned~! I wanna wear red and pink and stuff...Bring some Chocolate to school and share it with everyone! Give Valentines cards to all of my~ girlfriends~!! I wanna wear hearts and stuff in my hair~! OH OH OH!!

And I wanna call up my boyfriend...And ask him to be my valentine... :) ~



O_O; Wow...Is it just be. Or was that the most girly post I've ever made. Lol.

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I hate valentines day. I call it Singles Awareness Day, because you can always tell who is single, because they're the ones who stand alone at their locker observing and all alone.

Eh, I'm using twenty bucks to get my Mum, Gran, and Best Friend some chocolate or flowers, since I'm the only student.

But, just give out valentines that you like. xD One year, in Kindergarten, when I was still in public school, I gave everyone strawberry shortcake valentines. Even the guys.

And, well, to actually MAKE chocolate from scratch, that takes alot more than four hours.

Meh, join the club. :) I'm not doing anything for Valentines Day. I'm not giving out cards, or giving anybody anything.

If you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, then I personally think it's a waste of time. Valentines Day is too artifical. Yeah, if two people are going out you could give them something nice but if you're alone on Valentines day...well, let's just say I don't bother with that sort of thing anymore.
Same here.

Well, actually, I'm giving these red fortune telling fish out. x3

I hate valentines day. I call it Singles Awareness Day, because you can always tell who is single, because they're the ones who stand alone at their locker observing and all alone.
bailey it is SO awesome that we can b singaly aware 2gether! hahaha, valentines shmallintines...

Too many people to make valentines for....

so I just made one.

ANd I mailed it today.

To my crush

Oh yah I'm SO brave

Hey, it's tomorrow! I didnt know that.

(off topic) I have yet another doctor's appointment tomorrow. And I just had one today. and an orthodontist appointment yesterday. And a doctor's appointment two weeks ago. Geez, the ladies at the front office probably think I have cancer.

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