V1.....I'm wondering.


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2007
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The S E A S I D E <3
Is it worth getting a V1?

I want to see what it's like. 3/4 of me say get it but 1/4 of me says no.

What do I do? Please help me.

I think the V1 is worth getting. It has a special place in my heart as it started me on the Tamagotchi craze. It was also the version that re-lanched the Tamagotchi product. There are a nice selection of characters, it is easy enough to care for and it is just a really nice and simple version. It doesn't have all the going to school and getting a job stuff on the V4 and V4.5, and there is no shop. You can only get items by connect them with other Tamagotchis. But over all, I think you should get a V1. It is nice to have in any Tamagotchi collection. =)

Awww, v1's are so cute :) I have one, and it almost broke one time, and I almost cried D: I LOVE the characters on there. They seem so original. Anyway, the only thing I DONT like about them, is the games D: I awlays hit the Dance game, WHICH I HATE WITH A PASSION, and it drives me up the wall. The weird thing about v1's is you can exit out of the games ;) Like a v5. Do you have a v2? those are my favorite :( If you dont have one, GET ONE :p heh heh please :eek: They are real cute :D


well im glad you disided to get ne!!!! i have one!!!! its my oldest liveing tama!!!! anyway the only place to get one is off ebay like i got mine!!!! i got mine for $14.99 plus $4.99 tax so its not too ecspanceive!!!!!

hope i helped and have a great tamatalking day!!!!!

I don't think I'll get it online(what with all the fakes around)

Heh heh, It's coming up to Christmas, Maybe I'll ask Santa.

I don't think Santa will be able to deliver you a V1.

Unless you buy it used from a yard sale, you won't be able to find a V1 in the shops. They are not sold in retail outlets any more (they've been around for 4 years, don't forget).

All the stores now have the newer versions - I think the oldest version I have heard of being sold (new) in somewhere like Target or Walmart is the V3.

If you want a V1 you will have to buy online.

Sites like Amazon and ebay are reliable if you know how to check that it is genuine and the seller has reliable feedback.

As for info and help, don't forget that TamaTalk's Library Reference Section has scans of all the various tamagotchi instruction sheets which are pretty useful :(

^^ Actually, where I live they are still sold around the place, and they aren't fake ones. They are usually around $5 - $10.

I've never had one, but they must be awesome.

I have a v1, and it's one of my favourites.

It's got only a handful of characters compared to recent releases, so you can get to know them well. Plus, which character you get is influenced by how you care for it, so it's still a challenge getting all the characters. I raised around 17 generations on a v5 and got all of the characters (well I'm pretty sure I got most of them anyway, I can't really remember). On my v1, I raised 104 generations and never got a Hanatchi. Ever. Or an Otokitchi, but Otokitchi are pretty easy to get (just raise a female Tamagotchi and never let it marry).

The v1 has a weight system on it, which is actually pretty easy to keep down. If you play the dance game (you only need to be 2g above base weight to play it), you can lose 2g of weight after just the first round. If you play the jump game (you need to be 3g above base weight to play), you can lose 3g of weight after just the first three hurdles, which are pretty easy anyway.

The v1 never annoyed me with mail and school and all that. The v4 always drove me nuts about raising the skill points to get a job (yes, I know it didn't take long, but I thought the games were far too long and annoying, especially Dance), only for the Tamagotchi to get married, have a baby and depart pretty soon after. I felt more attached to my v1 than to any other of my Tamagotchi (I also own a v3, a v4 and a v5). Though it might be because it was my first Tamagotchi. If only I hadn't run through some sprinklers that day a couple of years back without thinking... It still works though, just that you have to press the A button pretty firmly. If it wasn't for that, or how I tend to get kinda stressed raising it at times (because I have already raised 104 generations and if one departed I'd have to start over right from 1st generation again), the v1 would definitely be my first preference to start up again. (Yes, I know my signature says that I'm on the 99th Generation but it's a bit outdated because I haven't been on TT in a while.)

I think Its worth getting! Its nice to have an orignal in ur collection. ^_^ :eek: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

You could always buy one at a thrift store REALLY cheap! Well, I think. I'm sure people get rid of their used tams ALL the time. Just look around. They would probably be selling them from around one to five dollars.

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