v2 log: simplicity <3


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Mar 15, 2011
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hey guys. i love the v2 because it's so SIMPLE. don't you guys miss the older versions? well, i do.

excuse pattys name.. i was busy and didn't notice he was a boy.. ;)If you guys have any comments or anything about this log, PLEASE pm me :) i'd lve to hear feedback!

I'll start off with his stats:

male - patty


healthy: ♥♥♥♥

training: 0

0 yrs, 9 lbs

So far it hasn't been a very interesting day for Patty. He's only around five minutes old, though.

We've played "jump" a few times to lose the extra weight from eating. I'd love to be a tamagotchi.. You can eat all you want and it doesn't show! ;)

With the gp I earned from jump, i bought a plant.. I'll plant it and see what I get when Patty wakes up.

I'll update again later today :)

wanna smile? quote of the day:

What do you call a man who only talks about girls making sandwiches? Single.

Hey everyone! I just woke up to find patty in pretty rough shape.. Uh oh, I should stop sleeping in!

Anyway, he's okay now. Last night he changed into a Hitodetchi which is pretty exciting.

I played bump and jump a few times to keep his weight down.. I find the games on v2 not very exciting.

Today I'm expecting him to evolve, so I'll definitely update if that happens.

here are his stats currently:

male - patty


healthy: ♥♥♥♥

training: 3

0 yrs, 12 lbs

ps: what version should i start up today? Message me which one I should do!




v5 (familitchi)

v6 (music star)

tama colour

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Hey again..

Not a lot has happened with Patty today.. I bought a shovel and a plant but didn't win anything. He is now a young Mimitchi! He hasn't been requiring a lot of care, but that's good since I have two other tamas to take care of. (I wont be making a log for them)

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Hey tamatalkers! I've been looking around for a good log to read.. Message me if you have a good one! :)

Anyway, I woke up pretty early today and changed my tamas time about an hour and a half forward.. Uh oh.

So Patty is already a teen, so I'm not expecting him to evolve for another 4 days. He's only one years old at the moment.

For an adult character, I really want a Mimitchi or Mametchi.. There aren't a lot of options though. ;)

Sorry for another update! I've recently been reading this log, and it's my favourite! https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/173782-my-v45-log/

Now I've been playing with my v4 lately and I've decided to add it to this blog! V4s are a little more interesting than the plain V2. It's a girl Harutchi named Lucy. The training is three, her skill points are pretty low.. 13, 13, and 21. I should probably start working on that. Anyway, she should be evolving into a teen really really soon, so I'll post when that happens :D

Oh man you guys! I've been playing with my version four.. and a robber came and stole some money. Eeek..

Other than that, I learned how to (finally) play mimic, so now I'll be working on getting my skill points up. I'll edit this

post in a little bit rather than keep posting. So far, the skill points are:

pencil: 16 sparkles: 14 flower: 21

I think I might choose mrs. flower when the teachers come. That will be in a few hours, by the way.

Before I go, I'll tell you the items I recently got. I found some codes which gave me the pen, (!!) clone, honey, and a cell phone.

Exciting.. Now I'm gunna go play on tamatown and probably go for a run later.



Hey guys, I hope you like the links above.. They’re for V4s. Hopefully in my next generation I’ll try for a special character. So Lucy (V4) has changed into a ringogotchi! Really exciting, right? Somehow I don’t get as excited when my tama evolves into a teen. I think it’s because I really like adulthood.. There’s more stuff to do! And also 4 days without my character evolving seems like forever. Not only has she evolved into a teen, but she also got to pick out her teacher. I picked mrs. Flower, who represents the sparkles. According to some sites, this is the arts way.. Before I move onto my v2, I’ll post the skills. Training: 2 pencil: 27 sparkles: 33 flower: 28 my goal is to get everything in the 100's... hahahaha

Patty (V2) is obviously still a young mimitchi and won’t evolve for a while.. He’s been low matinence and hasn’t needed a lot of care.. Although I need to train him quite a bit. I’ve been trying to get the gotchi points up because I’d like to buy something. Anway.. The training is 7 and only needs two more bars. He has 246 gotchi points.. Eek. I don’t like the games so far, but I'll deal with it. haha.

The shop restocked and he got hungry twice since I last updated.

Hey everyone! I finally have some pictures for you..!


There you go.. First is my v2 and second is my v4. Isn't the ringotchi cute? :) )


Finally Pattys training bar is full! Another update: She has aged to 2 years old!


Skills on Lucy aren't too high... I should probably work on that! She's still one years old.


I've been connecting them! I was thinking about making them have a baby, but I decided I like the matchmaker better.. :)


Patty won... Haha!

As an extra picture, I'll show you my cute familitchi. I don't blog about it, but I'll show you anyway.. They're too cute!


Another log for you guys, and my last one for the day! I was looking through logs to read and I noticed only logs with ONE tama interested me. I thought about it and realised it's just because I like the log to be organized and structured.. So if you notice that this post looks a little different, that's my new change! This log will be changing a lot until I find something I like! I get new ideas every day :)Anyway...

Not a very exciting day with these two tamas. Because of this, I plan to talk a little about my familitchi and some music.. I won't always be doing this! but I'll fill you in on my regular tamas first!


Patty now has the shop items.. The costume,hair gel, and stuffed animal.. I also had some extra money and I decided to buy tools. I dont know why.. Haha!

He aged to two years, so he'll be evolving in another 2-3 days I'm guessing. Patty is VERY relaxed.. She hardly ever calls for me. I played with her quite a bit today and earned about 300 gp. That's pretty good considering I suck at the games! Also, although her training bar is full she called for praising about four times today..


Lucy the Ringotchi is lookin pretty cute these days! ;) Haha!

So basically she called for training about twice today. Her bar is almost full.. Two more to go! Yay:))

her skills: pencil is 40, sparkles are 68, flower is 42. pretty decent, but not amazing!

Other than that, I got a few items with codes.. Not a big deal, just play house and slide. Fun. Also, I got 8000+ gotchi points. I'm

starting to really like the v4 games.

Other stuff (beware.. has nothing to do with my usual log!)

So it's been a really relaxed but good day. My sister and I made cupcakes and decorated them....Seseme street style! ;) Other than that, pretty exciting news for my familitchi. Incase you didn't know, I'm also running a v5 but I wanted to keep by blog simple so I dont log about it. Basically I got 100% bonding before they evolved to teens! I'm happy to announce they have now evolved into the mametchi family.. Pretty good :) I think the son, Bakutchi, is really ugly though. Haha!

Now, my non tama life: there's this guy in my grade who I used to really like last year and who I've been talking to a lot lately and today he told me he liked me! I told him I liked him too, which is true. I really like talking to him and i get kinda anxious waiting for his messages and stuff. The thing is, I dont feel very.. Romantic about him.. I don't know. Usually when I have crushes they're really really big and I always sing about them and get butterflies. I don't know if I actually like him. Actually he just sent me a message saying "I'm not gunna lie, I do miss you!" He's really sweet.

Anyway.. It's been a really good day since he said he liked me. There's been a couple guys this year.. Well, 5 or 6 ;) .. who said they liked me but finally I like one of them back!

Relating to that, I found this song 20 minutes ago that kinda relates to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFkPns8TFLI&amp;feature=relmfu

You should listen to it.. Priscilla Renea is so talented but totally doesn't get enough credit!

Good night guys :)

Hey everyone! It's 9:30 AM and I'm ready to log!


This morning Patty has been requiring a little more care than usual. She's been hungry and unhappy more than once, she used the bathroom twice, and called for a time out once. He's still 2 years old but should age soon. I'm really excited to see what he'll be as an adult. No doubt a mametchi, but I want a more interesting character.


Lucys training is ALMOST full.. One more bar left! Her stats: pencil is 40 sparkles are 71 and flowers are 42. Not bad.

The only problem.. She probably won't end up being a really good character because she's a bit overweight.. I had been focusing

my attention on my other two tamas and she's now 32 pounds.

I'll update later!

quick update: Lucy is now a maidtchi! You get this character by taking good care of them and raising the fashion points! :)

The weird thing is, she's still only two years old and Patty is three and hasn't evolved.

Heey everyone!


I was messing around with Pattys clock yesterday and forgot to change it I guess. Wanna know what I heard beeping at 1:00 AM? Patty.

he was still awake and almost dead.. he had almost no hearts left and was sick. Ugh. Later on today I had to go

to a meeting thing, so I put all of my tamas on pause. About 20 minutes after I un-paused him, he evolved into pyonchitchi!

He's ADORABLE. Hopefully I can get some pictures. I'll definitely be taking them when the match maker comes.


There wasn't too much going on for lucy today! She only needs one training bar and has pretty good skills. I'm hoping she'll get a job offer soon

because it hasn't came yet.. Which is weird because soon the matchmaker will come. Anyway, I'll research a bit more about it because I'm confused!

That's pretty much all about my tamas today.. I'll be updating later tonight if I can.

By the way.. Once the matchmaker comes on my tamas, I'll be switching in new versions. (I get bored easily.)

I'm going to be logging about my familitchi, my tamagotchi colour, and a v4.5

I've been a little lazy with my tamas lately because my break has been getting more exciting! :(


Patty's doing really well! He's now 3 years old and 48 pounds. a little overweight, right? He'll be aging soon and I'll be expecting the matchmaker tomorrow when he's age 5. He's been pretty relaxed with the care, but since he became an adult he is a little bit more needy than he was previously.


Lucy is now an adult Maidtchi! She's pretty cute. :) I have no idea why, but she's now 4 years old.. (Patty was born a day before) Maybe its due to a pausing issue? Anyway.. Yesterday she got the job offer. I only aplied for the first one.. Hairdressing. Not my favourite job, but it was an accident. She got paid thios morning and I plan to play the game in a couple seconds!

Thanks for reading!

Hello everyone! So as I told you, I've been REALLY busy lately! My tamas care has dropped a lot and they're now pretty overweight. Oops!


Lucy is now 5 years old and 85 pounds. Jeez!

She's doing really well as an adult and has gotten paid for her job twice! I really like the hairdressing game, it's really easy. She just got a mail about five minutes ago from the king.. It turned out to be a ring! It doesn't really do a lot, but lucy's playing with it now! So due to her job, she now has almost 10,000 points! Im waiting to buy something really good :) So the matchmaker should be coming tomorrow.. YAY. I get really excited about moving onto new generations because I get bored of tamas really easily and rarely make it to the adult stage. I gotta keep motivated! :)


Patty is 69 pounds and four years old! I guess the aging really IS messed up.. I'm never pausing again. Haha!

So basically, I've noticed it's a lot harder to get points on the v2 than the v4! I only have 420 and I almost never buy anything!

Other than that, Patty is now wearing the mimitchi costume and looks really cute. ;)

Hopefully I'll update with pictures tonight or tomorrow.. But I'm not sure!


Hey guys.. Sorry I'm only updating Lucy today but there is really nothing to say about my v2 lately.

So I'll start off from last night. Lucy first got 1000 points in the mail from the king and soon after kept getting money. She even got 2000 at one point. That was good! :) This morning I woke up and saw that she was 6 years old. I changed the time to 10:29 and waited until the matchmaker appeared on screen. Soon enough, a kutchipatchi came on and got married to Lucy. I now have a baby girl floating around the screen with her! :) Tonight Lucy will go to gotchi heaven!

heeelllo everyone!

The matchmaker came to visit patty yesterday. I set the time so she'd come and then set it back. Patty is now awake and STILL has her baby girl.. Because I set the clock to wake her up. I'm really impatient. Anyway, this is the last you'll be hearing about my v2 :( I'm going to start up a new tamagotchi.

As you know, the matchmaker also visited lucy. She's still asleep but I'll also be disconnecting her. but not resetting. (I'll download later on)

The only tama I'll be starting up now is my tamagotchi colour! I might end up starting up another one, but I'm not doing 3 again. Because of my OCD, I can't stand playing with a tama after I accidently negected it. :/

Thanks for reading and I'll update later today


sorry for the large font.. I need to let you guys know there's no more v2! I just started up my tamagotchi colour and so far so good!

I'll put a picture of the baby boy, Lucas :)



He's pretty demanding right now, but soon he'll evolve and won't take as much time to care for. I'll miss that! :p

So after I filled in his happy hearts, I played each game once and earned some points. I'll be trying to get those up before I start filling in

the happy bar thing. I did it twicer before, I can do it again! :)

I think I'm just gunna spend some time navigating for now.. I havent played on my tmg+c in a while!



^ useful link!

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Hey guys.. I'm having a pretty hard time lately.. I just finished crying about that boy I blogged about.. so I guess I'll try and get my mind off of him :)

Lucas evolved to a kuribotchi. I dont think this is one of the best children you can get but he's still really cute! Other than that, I played some games with him and went outside to plant a tree. When I went out, there were puffy clouds which gave me a happiness bar!

I'll update more soon!: )
