V3 and V4


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Mar 1, 2008
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I'm not quite a "new" Tama owner, but this is a simple question.

My V3 and V4 won't connect, no matter what I do!

I've tried everything. They're both adults, the same age... my V3 is a Kuchipatchi and my V4 is a Mametchi.

I've tried connecting them with different options, like V3-others, Others-V4, Others-Others.... I need help, because I really want them to marry.


Where are you connecting at?

Sometimes when Im out in the sun trying to connect, it wont work, then when I go to some shade, it will work :/

Have you been trying to connect out in the sun?

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Hmmm Does it just say FAIL on the screen or does it beep twice ands go to the Download, Reset screen? If that happend the battery is too low to emit IR Rays : :ichigotchi:

Where are you connecting at?Sometimes when Im out in the sun trying to connect, it wont work, then when I go to some shade, it will work :/

Have you been trying to connect out in the sun?
I'm connecting in my house. I'll try it right now, without any lights on... >< It didn't work. Can't be that problem.

Hmmm Does it just say FAIL on the screen or does it beep twice ands go to the Download, Reset screen? If that happend the battery is too low to emit IR Rays : wacko.gif
It just says FAIL on the screen, actually, I had that happen earlier this week, only it showed the low battery screen.

I might try buying a new battery for my V3, because the one I'm using is from the beginning of November. Keep posting suggestions, everyone! :ichigotchi: Thank you so much, Colortchi and Mariotama for your support, though.

Definetley! You need a new battery! :D

I wish Tamagotchis can be charged. xD

Agreed with colortchi. Replace the battery.

If it was charagable... There would still be complains... Not lasting long, loosing your tamagotchi, generations lost, items lost... etc.

That happened to me before but it only happened because we were in outside and it was cold and our tamagotchis got crazy...that when my friends tamagotchi had a 'miscarrige' long story xD

Or if it is really hot it will fail.

Or like others have mentioned above it could be the battery <= most likely it will be because its in your house and I dont think your house goes through EXTREME weather changes x]

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OK, so I changed the battery on my V3 and now it's STILL not working! D:

I don't know what's up. ): Maybe I'll try again x_x

Yay! *v* I just got them to connect by pressing the reset button on both!

Thanks everyone for the help! ^_^

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