v3 Log


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Dec 25, 2006
Reaction score
I just got my Tamagotchi and here is my log of it, hope you like it.


12/25/06 -

Started out with a Teletchi named her Miley. She is a generation 1. I'm new to Tamagotchi but I fed her cereal and a few scones to get her hunger up. Then I played Get ((musical note)) and earned about 100 points. Got her Happy meter up too. Then she beeped me for no reason and I gave her a time out so she now has 1/9 training bar. I went onto Tama Town and played alot of games and got most of the passwords, I still need the computer and the Golden Tamagotchi. That's about it, I put it on pause the rest if the day ((which I learned wasn't such a good idea...)). But she pooped on the floor before that, so I cleaned that up and gave her a snack.

12/26/06 -

Got the rest of the passwords from Tama Town. She became a toddler Tamatchi and I got to play the Bump game. Fed her alot of snacks so I could play the Bump game easier but she got a toothace. I played bump alot and earned up to 1000 points. I havn't passed the 5th level yet. Didn't feed her for a while, but she started crying so I praised her, 2/9 training bar. I hope she will be a Mametchi when she is older. She pooped about times, all of which I cleaned up.

12/27/06 -

Today my Tamagotchi became a teenager Obotchi, I can't believe how fast it is growing! When it woke up I gave it a few bowls of cereal and I played a few games of Bump. I also have 2 new games, Flags and Heading. It took me a while to understand Heading, but it is really fun! I fed it lots of snacks so I could play lots of games, and no toothache! I have over 3000 points today. I had to disipline her twice for beeping for no reason and I praised it once. 5/9 training bar! Went to the bathroom in toliet once, and pooped on the floor the rest. At the end of the day I gave her a scone and turned the lights out.

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12/28/06 -


Woke up at about 9:30 am to the sound of my Tama beeping at me for no reason. Put it in time out and now have 7/9 training bar. Fed it some cereal and sushi a few times then played Bump and Heading a few times to get some money. Still an Obotchi, IDK when she'll change to an adult...

12/29/06 -

Woke up, fed her cereal and played Bump. Got enought points to donate to King so I got the ring today, yay!

9/9 training, time out once and praise once.

3 yrs old today, IDK when she'll change to an adult

Full hunger and happyness

39 lbs


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