v3 tips tricks items secerts also password help


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Feb 19, 2006
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tama tips and tricks 4 a v3 r that babys look diffrent now if u connect a v3 with a v3 you give diffrent presints and u get to visit and theres games wen u conect a v3 with a v3 like balincing ona ball.there are sales at the shop.for passwords you need to have the amount of mony to buy the item you should go to www.tamatown.com for passwords also ask me about tama v3 if u have a girl and u buya lion/doll it will sleep with it and if u have a boy it will sleep with an actonfiger but u need to get the item first.wen its a baby it sleeps at 8 if a todler sleeps at 8 and a teenager sleeps at 8 and an adult sleeps at 10.secert my tama has a baby at a teanager you need 2 tamas connect soo much thatyou get 4 harts and then thell eack have a baby they have to be oppicete genders

thanks alot for posting all these tips on a V3!!!

hopefully ill be able to get mine soon

is it true that a V3 cannot connect with a V2??

most people have tried it and it dosent work. do you know?

is it true that a V3 cannot connect with a V2??most people have tried it and it dosent work. do you know?
It's not true. I have a V3 and V2.

All you need to do it select Version 1 on the Version 2.

Select Others on the Version 3.

its not true i fugerd out how to on the v 2 u say ur connecting with a v1 and on the v3 say ur connecting with a other

No that's not true I have a v2 and a v3 and they connect they play together and share presents

is it true that a V3 cannot connect with a V2??most people have tried it and it dosent work. do you know?
Yes you can I have a V3 and I can connect them both but..........they turn out to be this 1 charactor.

You can connect a V2 with a V3 and also a V1 with a V3.


On the V3 there is a different Mametchi than on the V1&V2. If you connect them and they give presents, if your V3 goes over to your V2/V1's house it will just look like a regular V1&V2 Mametchi, not Nazotchi. :huh:

I can absolutely not get my V3's to connect. Anyone else have this problem? Is there a special angle or soemthing i have to try. Do i need something becides hit the connect icon? I cant get them to do anything (visit,games,share presents) Sorry If this is an improper post or if this has been answered i spent an hour looking on the Forum and cound not find this question.

Tama tips and tricks for a V3 are that babys look diffrent. Now if you connect a V3 with a V3 you give diffrent presents. You get to visit and there is games when you connect a V3 with a V3 like balencing on a ball. There are sales at the shop. For passwords you need to have the amount of money to buy the item. You should go to www.tamatown.com for passwords. Also ask me about tama V3 if u have a girl and you buy a lion/doll it will sleep with it. If you have a boy it will sleep with an acton figure but you need to get the item first. When its a baby it sleeps at 8, if a toddler sleeps at 8, a teenager sleeps at 8 and an adult sleeps at 10. Secert my tama has a baby at a teanager. You need two tamas connect soo much that you get 4 hearts and then they will each have a baby they have to be opposit genders.
Since it is hard to read I will correct it in the quote.

I can absolutely not get my V3's to connect. Anyone else have this problem? Is there a special angle or soemthing i have to try. Do i need something becides hit the connect icon? I cant get them to do anything (visit,games,share presents) Sorry If this is an improper post or if this has been answered i spent an hour looking on the Forum and cound not find this question.

you just go to tamatown.com and then when it asks for your username enter your tamagotchi username! :(

hiya every1 i just wanted to know if theres any good codes and passwords anyone knows cause i know basically all of them but i just wanted to see if there were any like..........how to get unlimeted points or something




PLZ HELP ME!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :D :)

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