V4.5 Favourite food charts


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I don't know what my tama is! I never knew what the names of the tamas! HELP ME!!


ura yattatchi loves melons hates soda

hanagatatchi loves donuts

yasaugauretchi hates donuts

tougyutchi loves cherries and hates popcorn

horoyotchi hates sundae

shitekitchi loves BBQ

ura young marotchi loves ice cream

Thank you. the information is editted in the file. When I have a lot of more information I will post a new chart :)

I'm still at the toddler fase, so I have to wait for my Tam to be a 'labrat' again :p

hyottokotchi loves steak. :)

But hates corn, you knew that though.

boxertchi loves sundae hanagatatchi hates omelets. hyottokotchi loves pasta

Ojitchi and Oyajitchi dislike muffin(so basically all the old folks dislike muffins :) )Hope i helped! ;)

I know somewhere , somwhere under all the piles of topics , we have one of these already :(
You're probably thinking about the v4 food chart. :p

We don't have a v4.5 food chart yet.

I'll try to help after I figure out what my Ura-kutchipatchi hates and likes. <3

You're probably thinking about the v4 food chart. :p We don't have a v4.5 food chart yet.

I'll try to help after I figure out what my Ura-kutchipatchi hates and likes.

A topic was started in this forum in August 07 - and is still active: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=120838 perhaps everyone would like to cross check any info they have with the data that has already been collected and posted.

In order to avoid duplication - and to keep all the useful info in one easy to find topic, I am going to close this thread and ask everyone to keep posting any info they'd like to contribute to the original, active thread.

Thanks for understanding :(
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