v4.5 Tamagotchi Log


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Dec 16, 2008
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Aug. 7, 2009

Hi, you may remember me from a while back, with Ace and that whole Family....Well I reset my v4.5 so it just hatched. I turned the sound off so I don't know what it is but it's name is Muffn. Yes Muffn. Oh its a boy...Aha...I fed it. I'm suprised I remembered how to use these. If you want to comment, I would like it if you please send me a message, not post. This is also a log rule, not just mine. I also do my logs a bit different.

See how above I have Aug. 7, 2009? Every day I will post a new one for the day. Not every post, but every new day I post.

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Okay. So we played Climb and got 30 jumps and 400p. Its just food and a wig in the Shop, nothing interesting. He went the the bathroom. OH MAN! He's sick!!! I gotta heal him. He needed 2 doses. :D But he's not hungry. I might take him on Tama Town. Anyways, Muffn is um....learning to talk faster than I thought. He can already say Mama, Dada, and Muffn.

Muffn: Mama. Booooohhhtttlellle!

Me: Bottle? Oh, well you only have 3 hearts anyway. Okay, here is your bottle sweetie!

Yes. I am going to take Muffn to Tama Town

=======Getting in Car to Tama Town========

Currently driving to airport

Is lost on way to airport

Muffn is crying

Is at Music City Airport

Doesn't know where to go

Muffn makes stinky

Cleans up


Ends up in v3 Tama Town

Drives around

Finally found v4.5 Tama Town


Goes to Bank

Gets Chocolate and Passport

Goes to Hospital and Plays Game

Got 100 Gotchi Points

Goes to Food Court

Plays Games at Arcade

Gets lots of Points

Goes to Mall

Gets Ball


He went again. I gotta clean him up. And he's very hungry. Thank you for reading!!! More posts to come soon.

oooh! Yay! He's taking his nap so that mean's he'll change soon!

Alright he woke up and I fed him. He will change soon.

Muffn: Me be toddwer?

Me: Why yes. Sweetie. Aha...yeah.

Muffn: Ooooohhhhhh.....

He weighs 25lbs and I'm trying to keep him below 30lbs until he's a child.

WAIT, what the heck? The stuff from Tama Town isn't in items OR souveniers! Uh, aha?

Muffn: Mama, where is baalllll!?

Me: I don' know sweetie!!!

See you later

Yeah, nothing really happened. I played Climb AGAIN! Maybe I'll go pick up some new batteries. 1 as a back up for the v4.5 and one for my v4. Yup.

I got my first mail! It was poop. Poor muffn.

Muffn: No! Dats when only I go on potty.

Me: Aha, yes sweetie.

I feed him when he's hungry and stuff. He needs some snacks or something. Going to play tug-of-war. bye

Yay! He got accepted into PreSchool! He got other mail too. But another good thing is he went on the potty! This time he didn't go on the screen! Good job Muffn!

Muffn: Yay!

He is doing average in school, though. Keep trying!

Oh, and I might get some pictures of him soon! Ooh, didn't notice he got mail. It's...POOP?! Again? He is 28 lbs but I will play so he loses some.

I want him to be at least 24 lbs. Right now he is 26. ;) But he's getting there. I believe he is a Tamatchi? He is a blob with little arms and legs. I wonder if that's a sign of growing up well....? I haven't played with a Tam in so long!

Muffn: *giggle*

Hey, buster! It's not funny!

Anyway, this is a pretty old Tama, so the buttons don't work too well, and the screen is just SLIGHTLY faded. Just the slightest bit.

I am going to search for Egg-Like Tama Holders. I don't know if they even exist, but I want something that is kind of like one of the fancy egg cups, but made for a Tamagotchi. I can't find one. :[

Muffn has 1 bar of Training! Yay! He also has:

8 Smilys

23 Stars

21 Fists

I try to start them off early because if I don't they never get a job. :D Alright, see you soon!

Muffn: Bye bye!

He is 21 lbs! Yay! I have to eat lunch now, but by the way my Tama's color is the Limited Edition Globe or whatever. I got it from the Tama PC Pack. See you later~

Allright, to be more specific on his color, he has

A blue shell with green continents. A yellow start antenae. Yellow Buttons.

But anyway, I also made him a bed! (Yes, I give a lot of effort)

How to make an Eggshell Bed:


An Empty Foam Egg Carton

A Cotton Ball


A Tama

First, open the carton. Find one spot that you think would be most comfy, and cut around it so it's just like a hollow little square with no top. If NESSESARY, cut the edges so they are curvy and not so sharp. Put the cotton ball at the bottom of the box and place your Tama comfertably in! I use a lanyard when I want to carry it around.

Bye! Hope you enjoyed.

Muffn keeps getting blackmailed! So far he has gotten:

Poo: 2

Snake: 1

Heart: 0

King: 0

Robber: 1

:eek: Hi again! Muffn seems to be enjoying himself. I will do a status report.

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: |

Smilies: 19

Stars: 42

Fists: 34

4,610 Points.

I am going to buy something for him for his birthday tomorrow!

I'm going to buy a hamburger and some bananas, and tomorrow I will find some other food and stuff.

I now have 4,050

I figured out that Tamatchi will grow into Mametchi is cared for properly! I had him in my v3 for like, 3 Generations in a row so I bet I can do it! YAY!

This is being discontinued for a while because I switched his battery to my v3. Thank you. :p
