V4.5: Why do I keep getting daiyatchi?


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Sep 28, 2008
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Why is that? I've had my tamagotchi for about two months now and EVERY male tama I get is always, always daiyatchi when they are a teen. I haven't gotten any other ones. :/

I thought it was because the intelligence/gorgeous points were high, but I've had different points in these and always gotten him!

Yesterday, I was DETERMINED not to get daiyatchi so i made sure that the spiritual points were high, and even made him a little hungry/unhappy, but he STILL turned into daiyatchi!

Why is this? Do I have a glitch? :(

My theory is that there's something up with the evolution-process thingy. Tama evolutions are semi-random. But I could be tragically wrong :angry:

They seem random, but I can usually get what teen I want. I'm not so sure how it works.

What I suggest is to make sure the Tama's skill points are well rounded, leaning slightly away from the beauty points. Usually works for me.

Good Luck!!!

Why is that? I've had my tamagotchi for about two months now and EVERY male tama I get is always, always daiyatchi when they are a teen. I haven't gotten any other ones. :/
I thought it was because the intelligence/gorgeous points were high, but I've had different points in these and always gotten him!

Yesterday, I was DETERMINED not to get daiyatchi so i made sure that the spiritual points were high, and even made him a little hungry/unhappy, but he STILL turned into daiyatchi!

Why is this? Do I have a glitch? :)
what ever tama you get depends on how you take care of it just like how i did alot to get mametchi on my old v4.5

lol I don't know maybe they like you. he he he I mean on a V4 it makes sense as they normally turn out like there parents but on V4.5 it is different every time. at least for me anyways. I don't really train any skills until they are teens then I train. However maybe you'll get lucky I had a daiyatchi turn into a ura mametchi lol.

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