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Rawr Rawr Dinosaur >:D

Well-known member
Jul 16, 2009
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I lost my v4.5 about a year or two ago. I put it in it's safe place but then I lost it. D; I never found it again.... But, I went to walgreens and got a new V4.5. 8D It was my favorite version and it will always be. I will NEVER ever. Lose this one. Do you like the v4.5 as well?

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I don't think so it's too complicated and hard. Alot of the times it's hard to get money so the Tama dies.

I especially like the games. at last there are games where you really have to use your mind and skills. okay, they are sometimes hard, but I like it better to be challenging than to be based on luck only.

i love v4 and v4.5. i have a music star and two familitchis, but my v4 and v4.5 are still my faves. i love all the games especially climb and dance. the characters on both are also very cute. maybe someday i'll get an entama and uratama. :)

I like the 4.5 very much as well. I have two, and an Uratama also. Same characters, but different games, and the Ura is Japanese. I love te blue pixels on the Ura.

I like the V4.5. It is my favourite. They should carry on selling them here where I live because I don't like the V5 AND V5.5 and I think the Music Star is too complicated

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