v4 & failed arranged marriages


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Mar 14, 2008
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My v4 had been on pause for a long time and I reactivated it when I got my (2) v5s, but anyway it'd been so long since I used my v4, I forgot how some stuff worked and of course I don't have the instructions anymore, etc etc etc....ANYWAY, the matchmaker kept bringing tamas I didn't like around so my mimi didn't get married and now she's the old creepy tama. My question is, what happens next? How long am I stuck with the old lady and is there any way out of this without resetting? Will she eventually go away and leave me a new egg or what? :angry:

That may be it for her unless you set her up with someone's tamagotchi. There should be instructions available online.

if your mimitchi has turned into an otokitchi(an oldie) she can only marry with an ojitchi(another oldie). then they will have oyajitchi a secret oldie who is born from otokitchi and ojitchi. oyajitchi skips child and teenager phase and becomes an adult.

Sounds like you have an "Oldie". You can only mate it with another "Oldie" Tamagotchi. If you don't, it will die.

To get an egg all you need to do is:1 get all your skill points to 100 or more.2 eat french fries and then use a pencil.

PRESTO! an egg.

hope I helped.

Sounds like you have an "Oldie". You can only mate it with another "Oldie" Tamagotchi. If you don't, it will die.
It won't die!But as it gets older it will be more and more harder to keep it alive!

It won't die!But as it gets older it will be more and more harder to keep it alive!
It does die. I've had an oldie once. It died. Plus, the instructions say, "If your tamagotchi has grown old and has not found a suitable partner, it will grow older until it passes away.

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