*v4 help.. please?


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Active member
Jul 6, 2006
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ive searched around on tamatalk.. but i still dont get work..

when i got to work on the IR menu..

it says away, i press A.. my tama goes to school...

the teacher comes and has 3 boxes.. which i choose the pencil from..

then my tama comes back..

what does this do?

is this work? or do i wait for another mail that tells me that i have job interviews?

are there any topics elsewhere on tamatalk that can help me?

ty ; xoxo.

That school thing is sort of like work. When you Tama gets a job, you will have something else to do. In the meantime I recommend the game options, found under the ball and bat in the foutth potion just before the heart and job button. THis will give your v4 plenty of expirience so he or she can get the job of your pick.

youre not at work. youre still in school.

youve to wait for another [!] mail offering you five jobs and you choose one out of five.

thanks for all your answers!

they all fit together and helped =]

oh mines already at adult stage...

i think its been nearly one day already and the mail didnt arrive..


buh ill wait =]


no, that's you picking a present. When your tama's and adult and you have enough skill points (i think) you get a [!] mail, and you go get a job interview. Then you push B whenever you stop moving to apply for the job, and if the people give you 3 Os, you got the job, and if not, you move on to the next one and you can try again :lol:

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