V4 IR sensor damage?!


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2011
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United Kingdom - England
Hi! Well,my tamagotchi connexion v4 (european) has recently fell to a serious glitch, if you've read my "what's on your mind?" Forum about marks in the screen you'll know, but anyway, I blew inside the tama as someone suggested, and the screen went off! :eek: I eventually blew it dry with a hairdryer but as I blew through the IR sensor, I think it's broke: I connect it with my v4.5 and half the time it fails!, if I DO get it to work, the v4.5 goes int the friend list, BUT next time I connect them, a new entry is made in the friends list!!! With a few letters changed to japanese symbols? So I end up with like 20 entries for one tama?!!? :eek: anyone know how I can fix this, as I'll never be able to breed them :(

Do you have a spare Tama you use for parts? Replacing the IR sensor might fix it.

...No I have no SPARE tama's but wait... What is"re-aligning" the IR ports? Also I just want to quote - I am very uneasy with opening tama's as I have never done so before, AND I would have no way to connect wires up anywaya? :(

If you do decide to open you Tama up don't panic. I was scared the first time I opened up a Tama too. Just make sure:

-You have clean hands.

-You are somewhere where you won't be disturbed and can concentrate.

-Be careful when opening up the back because there is a wire connected to the back and the circut board. That's for the sound and if you break that you will have a mute Tama.

-Don't touch the circut board more than you have to.

Stick to these and you shouldn't have any trouble. Results may vary.

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