V4 Jobs


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Active member
Jan 30, 2007
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Ok, I'm not exactly a new owner, just new to the new versions of tamagotchis. I need to know what kind of skill points I need them to be high on for each job. Also what each symbol stands for. Like for instance, what does the pencil stand for, or the star, or the other thing. Also like say for a doctor you needed to have alot of points in the pencil one. (I'm not saying that's it, that's why I'm asking) Please help me!

The pencil is intelligence, star is fashion and flower is kindness

also choosing a job is kinda wierd cause its bildings not words :(

GO ANDROTCHI!!!!!!!!! :( (or wacko)

Yeah , i managed to get the kindness up and now my tama is a fireman, its easy the more points the better

the pencil is intelligence, the star is your ability to be a celebrity, and the flower is your designer of clothes skills.

the star is NOT arts. please do not listen 2 tamadanaca. I am a fireman. You are supposed 2 get a job at 6 yrs of age but i got mine at 4. that was because my skill pts. were all in the 90's, but i am not bragging. My tama used 2 work for the travel agency but now it is a fireman. weird!! i did NOT know that u could change jobs. My tama is a mametchi by the way. B)

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