V4 Log!


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Hi everyone. I decided to start a log on Tamatalk. :hitodetchi: I picked one of my Tamas to be the star of the log - my Rising Sun V4! You're not allowed to post in here, but please, PM me and give me feedback - I'd LOVE to hear what you think! :unsure: So, about my V4. It's a gen3 Ringotchi named Puka. I really want Puka to turn into a Mimitchi, so I'm trying to increase her Intelligence points! So to help her along, I am only playing Shape (I long for Mimic! lol!) and chose Mr. Turtlepedia as her teacher. She's such a good little girl. :mimitchi: But she's on pause right now cause someone sent her a snake in the mail and right now I'm too lazy to play Shape with her to fill them back up. :D Who the heck would send you a live snake in the mail, anyway? :D Oh well.... Anyway, today, her first day of, um, teenagerhood, was pretty uneventful. She went to school a couple times and I bought her a lion doll in the shop, but that's about all. She has quite a few items - over 20 I think - but she can only use a couple since she's still a teen. ^_^ And since she's had such an uneventul... teenager hood, I'll tell you about her parents now, just to fill in some space. Her dad was a Togetchi, Sushi. He had a job as a flower arranger and never went to work much. :kuribotchi: Via matchmaker he met a nice Masktchi and had Puka, my first girl on V4. I was glad to get a girl - I really wanted to start getting girl characters. Puka's grandpa was the most adorable little guy you could ever meet, a Simasimatchi. He was too lovable. I actually shed quite a lot of tears when he left baby Sushi. I still miss that guy. I really hope Puka gets a boy when the matchmaker comes - I know, there are tons of new V4 characters to experience, but I really want another Simasimatchi. I had a connection with him that I had on only one other Tama, a Kiwitchi. Ok I'm really starting to get sentimental now. A little TOO sentimental. :kuribotchi: Anyway, Puka still visits Bob (the sweet, sweet - okay I'll stop now - Simasimatchi) and Sushi regularly at Tamatown. I'm bored. And there's really nothing lse to write. I'll update later if something comes up. And, don't forget to PM me and give me feedback on my log!


Hi all! Yesterday finished fairly uneventfully. I did eventually unpause Puka and got a perfect score on Shape, filling up all his happy hearts! I'm really starting to like that game. So I finished up the day with Puka playing only Shape, feeding when needed, went to school a couple times (and got the pencil every time! :) ) Her intelligence is now higher than any of her other categories. This is good. I really_really want a Mimitchi. :) Another little note - yesterday she was hungry, and instead of feeding her something regular, I gave her a different meal, something I bought in the shop. It was corn. As I selected it, I thought, "What if it's her least favorite food?" Then I thought - no way - how could it be, out of all the food available?" After she ate it, she got this disgusted look on her face and wiggled around in horror. It WAS her least favorite food. felt so bad! But it was kind of funny. :) So I played Shape, got a perfect score, and that cheered her up. Nevertheless, it wasn't exactly a good day for Puka yesterday.... But I'm hoping today will be better. It doesn't look so great though, her morning fortune had only two stars in Health, and one star in Connecting and Money. Sigh.... Look's like it'll be another day of snakes and robbers. :) Now I'm going to list her stats. :) Try not to fall asleep on me!


Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: 5

Intelligence: 45

Arts: 19

Social: 18

2 yr.

22 1lb

Name: Puka

Gender: Girl

Gen: 3 G

Point: 715

User Name: Dippy

Yep, that's all for now. I'll mke an update if anything good happens!

Nothing's happened with Puka, but she wants to write in her diary.

Dear Diary,

Hi. My name is Puka. I'm a Ringotchi. I am cool. I am fun. The end

Not a very talented writer, is she? Oh well, she'll grow out of it... I hope.

Yes! Today rocked! Puka turned into a *drumroll*..... Mimitchi! Woo-hoo! My first one, other than on a debugged Tama! She's so cute now! But I don't have time to write anything else!

Sorry for no updates for a while! I'm too tired to write properly, but I just thought you should know Puka got a job as a teacher! Details later! :p
