V4 mail


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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2007
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You know the post part when you click that star thingy.

What does that post box's symbol like this mean?

(even when I get a fortune mail I get this.)

It showed me a point 2 stars 1 love heart 1star 1 man

and 1 star.

It showed a sad face when it saw one star all the time!

Please help! :lol:

That symbolizes luck. The star is money, or how much you'll win playing games. The hearyt is, obviously, love. I'm PRETTY sure the guy is strengh, but I don't know for certain. I think it has something to do with how often you win games. One is no luck, two is ok luck, but THREE is really really great luck! Good luck (no pun intended)!


How to understand the Mail

Star (Fortune Icon)- Means the fortune of your tamagotchi. It depends on your luck the more stars you have the higher chance you have of letting that event happen.

  • Gotchi Points Bag - Means the chance of the king stopping by.
  • Heart - I think means the chance of your tamagotchi making love on the next connection.
  • Man Icon- I think means the chance of your tamagotchi getting sick..
Mail (Envelope icon)- Regular mail. In the mail you get like hearts, poo, snakes, the robber, and the king stopping by giving you presents. :(

[!] -Important info of your tamagotchi going to school, graduating, and getting jobs.


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actually... it happens to me sometimes and i dont get it! :blink: :angry: :ph34r:

i get mail in the morning... and then i pause it... and then...i dont get any mail for the rest of the morning until 2:00pm! why!? :rolleyes:

Mimitchi_Lover_75239 :D (and fellow Tamatalkers),

The reason that you did not get mail is because when your tamagotchi is paused, nothing happens but your clock runs. You can not do anything with it, it doesn't get sad, it doesn't grow, it doesn't get hungry, and it does not connect. It's kind of like if you took a pet to a pet day care when you had to do something important and you can't watch over it. Now, it's different when it's sleeping- you canview the health status, it's age improves, and you can view things in the Friend List category. You may not do any other things with your tama while it's sleeping (also- I forgot- you can view the clock). And yes, it does not receive mail while it's sleeping.

Hope this info helps,

(User name: gomametchi) :D

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