V4 Official USA Release date


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People have said it was January 7th, but a few people in the US have already bought them, so it seems some stores are already carrying them! :)

it is released on january in the u.s but v4's are being secretly released through some stores for chrismas time.

I have heard that they have already been released in california and possibly are available in Nevada as well....however living in Australia I can't confirm that :)


I have spotted a listing one EBAY:https://cgi.ebay.com/TamaGotchi-V4-Version-...1QQcmdZViewItem.

I Quoted this, for the seller's answers:

Q: Hi, Just wondering. That's the US Version, right? Where'd you buy it? What store? State? Dec-08-06 

A: Hi, Yes, it is the USA version, purchased at Target in MN. The package reads: MADE IN CHINA Conforms to safety standard ASTMF963-03. Color, Style and...more

Q: Hi! I was wondering where you found this? What store (rumors are that Target is getting them) and in which state? Thanks for your help!


A: Hi, yes this was purchased at a Target store. I live in Minnesota. Thanks for your interest in my auctions!

Q: Hi, I hope to win this auction and i was wondering if you have anymore? I need two. Heather


A: Hi, I may possibly have one more to sell on ebay. I will not know until later on this weekend. I will keep you posted, thanks for your interest in my...more
The seller lives in MN, (Minnesote, USA). :) I have a feeling that the V4 will be released earlier than January of next year.... ;)


τ_τI want one.
*** If You live in San Digeo, California go to Target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just purchased 2 at target today in El Paso they were the only ones on the shelf I say chck your local target ^_^

Darn it, why can't I live in Minnesota! And I live too far away to drive there.

Well, my only chance is to check Target on friday (my next trip to Target). And then I have another chance for Target around December 30th. *sigh* They should have just released them everywhere in time for Christmas!

I live in Minnesota!

30 minutes away from Brainerd!



We're in the same boat! I wonder when they will come out. It seems BanDai doesn't really care about our country- our stuff always gets released reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllllly late sometimes! (Like Tamagotchi Connexion: Corner Shop got released about 5-7 months after the release in America.)

I contacted BanDai about the V4 release once they started showing up on eBay. here's the reply;

Dear (KM):
Thank you for your support of Tamagotchi Connection. The Tamagotci Connection V4 should be released by early 2007 and ebay sellers may be importing different versions from other countries or having people place bids on items that they themselves do not own yet.


Customer Service

Bandai America
The three states that I know of that have them are (Southern) California, New Mexico, and Minnesota. That's where the eBay listing are coming from anyways. That is all I know about an official US release though.


I contacted BanDai about the V4 release once they started showing up on eBay. here's the reply;

The three states that I know of that have them are (Southern) California, New Mexico, and Minnesota. That's where the eBay listing are coming from anyways. That is all I know about an official US release though.

Thank you for posting that KM.

I live in the US and I once went to Target. You won't believe what I saw there... a V4. Trust me, I am not making this up. :D They only had about 4-5 Tamagotchis there, ( Glow-in-the-dark and a deep blue), but I didn't have any money with me to buy one. I managed to snoop around my 'money bank' and got about $20. The next day I returned to buy the Tama, and they were gone! :p :( Apparently that was the only Target that had them and someone bought them all. My theory is the person wants to sell them for high amounts on EBAY.

Another state that has-had them in Arizona. ;)


I guess I just have to be Patient. I would LOVE to find one before Christmas. I wonder if any more states in the Midwest have gotten the V4s.

I'll be going to Walgreens today to pick a prescription up, but I am sure they won't have it yet..........Target seems a little more likely.

The three states that I know of that have them are (Southern) California, New Mexico, and Minnesota. That's where the eBay listing are coming from anyways. That is all I know about an official US release though.
I hear Michigan is also selling the V4s. I wonder when they're gonna be availible in Massachusetts...

Darn it, why can't I live in Minnesota! And I live too far away to drive there.

Well, my only chance is to check Target on friday (my next trip to Target). And then I have another chance for Target around December 30th. *sigh* They should have just released them everywhere in time for Christmas!
^^Yeh, me too! Since I live in Massachusetts, it'll take about 15 hrs. to get there by car. And I agree they really should have released it in time for Christmas.

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