V4 Official USA Release date


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im gonna have to a wait a year after the official release date before it get's here.i live in europe(not telling which country though).

Okay, I'm lucky that the V4s are selling for high prices on eBay, because when I checked it there were states that didn't have them yet!! Oh my god, how stupid is that?

Thank you for posting that KM.
I live in the US and I once went to Target. You won't believe what I saw there... a V4. Trust me, I am not making this up. :wacko: They only had about 4-5 Tamagotchis there, ( Glow-in-the-dark and a deep blue), but I didn't have any money with me to buy one. I managed to snoop around my 'money bank' and got about $20. The next day I returned to buy the Tama, and they were gone! :ph34r: :unsure: Apparently that was the only Target that had them and someone bought them all. My theory is the person wants to sell them for high amounts on EBAY.

Another state that has-had them in Arizona. :p

Sorry to hear that O.O

Darn it, why can't I live in Minnesota! And I live too far away to drive there.

Well, my only chance is to check Target on friday (my next trip to Target). And then I have another chance for Target around December 30th. *sigh* They should have just released them everywhere in time for Christmas!
I live in Minnesota! :furawatchi:

In Nevada they had four of them in wal-mart but I didn't even care about buying them because I thought it was a v3. Yup I guess that what happens when you lost touch with Tamagotchis. But luckily 3 days ago I bought them and it was the only one hiding behind everything. It was a glow in a dark one and today I just noticed it was a v4 lol ^.^

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I've aredy looked at 3 stores...I want to look at toys r us!!!

I aredey checked Target-<this is the one I have on tama now!-<> :D :) :(

Yay I'm getting A Version 4 Upgrade I'm also getting the tama charms for my tama you know the one with the present taco and some other one i'm going to get them on sunday after I get paid this Friday Yay!!

JPee's Future Definetly Looks Very Bright Thanks for the info you guys really made my day!!

By the way isnt tomarrow friday??

YAY!!!!!! It's finally here Hey Grandma Can I Get One PLZ!!!

**Shakes Every Gurls Hands and Kisses all the guys on the tamatalk forums** Yay I Kissed The Guys Yay I Shook The Gurls lol YAY I'm Very HAPPY Does Touch down football dance and runs ouuta the room embaresed!! :rolleyes:


Yeah, my Target just got em in so the release date for my area was today! :D
:rolleyes: YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm such a wacko!! :mimitchi:

On January 27,2006,I found V4 Tamagotchis at Toys R Us! My sister,Ashley,got the glow-in-the-dark one and I got the one with pink stripes! I am so happy now! :D ^_^ :ph34r: :) ;) :lol: :) <_< :wacko: ;) :)

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The v4s are out in aus! My friend down the street got 1 from Kmart for 25 bucks! They are finally out! I might be getting one earlier than I thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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