V4 or V4.5


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I like the v4 designs but v4.5 has a better game :3 THE best tamagotchi would be a tamagotchi v4.5 in a tamagotchi glow in the dark shell :eek:

Omgyah. I never thought of this; I consider this hard to decide. I like them evenly.


The games and characters are better than the V4.

i like v.4 better cuz i like the characters better the v 4.5 to me is to like over achieving like they make violtchi have wings i like the origanla u no

V4. You get the CLASSIC feeling to it, than the V4.5's wacky characters. Look at these cuties under!

^_^ :lol: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :wub: :gozarutchi: :ph34r: :wacko:

i like v.4 better cuz i like the characters better the v 4.5 to me is to like over achieving like they make violtchi have wings i like the origanla u no
Umm, they didn't make Violetchi have wings, it's a completely different character, Ura-Violetchi. v4.5 is mostly Ura-characters. I like v4 more at the moment, but I change my mind a lot in this. v4 is good because of the original characters and I have more memories about it, but v4.5 has so much better games and I love that star <3

I like the v4 a whole lot. Even though the games aren't so great, all my favorite characters return like mimitchi and I got some new favorites from v4 like togetchi ^_^

V4.5 because it has better games and cuter characters! The jobs are also cuter too.

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