V4 question


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2005
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Does the V4 Came to france? I tried to search on the internet but it did not say in wich city.

Also when does it come to latin america? I went to U.S.A on a trip and searched on: Super target, WalMart, KB Toys., Toys R' Us. No luck.

Im desperate to find a V4 even f it sounds crazy to a person to search in all places to find a tamagotchi v4... I know, my friends say it. And if you dont know do you know any site that it is not eBay were I can purchase a tamagotchi v4 from the internet? Thanks.

Muffin :nazotchi:


I don't live in France, but I would think you could order it online at THIS. I would think that they may send it to you, but like I said, I don't live in France.

Hopefully This is Helpful,

Pupsluv24 :nazotchi:

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Hmmm....... I suggest you go to a foreign site. France is in Europe? RIGHT :D . Here is a site for Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/. I think Ebay is a Worldwide site, so I think there is no foreign site for Ebay. Ebay. Plus some Ebay sellers only ship to certain places....... :mimitchi:

P.S. Tamagotchiv2manic, there is a Foreign site for Amazon. :nyatchi: I MAY BE INNCORRECT.

:( Lock458 :(

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