v4 site


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New member
Nov 29, 2006
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Well, we all know about tamatown right? It's basically just the english or US version of the tamagotchi v3 site. I was frustrated when I bought my v4 because some of the codes on the v3 site wouldnt work on mine :furawatchi: So I went to the Connexion v4 site (European site, I think) because theirs is already up and running with the exception of a few places. It was great! The only problem is that the majority of the site (or all, I cant remember) is in Spanish(?). You dont have to speak spanish to understand whats going on in the site because its just like the v3 site except its made for the v4 which requires you to put in a log-in password, etc. However, I can speak basic or intermediate Spanish (even though I'm Asian lol) so translating the directions on the site was no problem at all for me.


I highly reccomend giving it a go! It's pretty basic and simple.. AND FUN :D I also got like 14,000 pts by playing a bunch of games! (Oh yea, on the site, when you're ready to leave you just hit the disconnect button and it gives you a log OUT password and after you put that password in your tama, all the pts you got on the site will transfer to your tama).

If you click on SUISSE/SCHWEIZ you can access version 4 Tamagotchi Town in French and German.

So they have the V4 here in the states and unless you speak spanish they are basically useless it what I just realised as I just bought 2 and Ihave no clue on the site b/c i only speak english.....

They have the Connection V4 in stores?! I thought it dosn't come out untill January! Please tell me if it's the Connection or Connexion

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