v4 Tamagotchi life


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Just then, Nan announced:

Nan: Its your letter to school! Oh, and here;s another one...ahh, its from Ray.

Darsh: Ohh! Okay. Thanks. *Opens envelope and reads letter to school*

[SIZE=10pt]Dear Darsh,[/SIZE]You are now old enough to go to school. You can attend one from three parts of the school, the choices are: Intelligence, Fashion or Social. Please attend the Tama Elementry School tomorrow morning at 10AM. You will be given a sheet to complete and please come at the reception hall.


Thank you,

Yours sincerly,

Professor Turtle.
Darsh: Nan...! What am I taking for school?

Nan: (from the kitchen) Intelligence, dear!

Darsh: Okay...! *opens next letter from Ray* Ooh...

Dear Darsh,I have evolved. But I am not sure if you can accept me. My nanny hasn't been taking care of me, and she usually negelects me. But I have to tell you anyway. I have become an Obotchi, one of the "universals". Universals don't belong to any family group, they are recieved because they had different care as expected (eg. low skill points/ high weight/ neglect)

I am very demoralised. I have been labelled a "universal neglect" by nanny and her other friends.

What have you evolved to? I hope you still accept me as a friend, as I am sure that you are not a universal.

Maybe you shall not reply.

But I will write on.

I have not much interests but I do hope I could become a doctor. I want to be a hero, so others won't look down on me anymore, as I am a universal.

And yes, my nanny is mean. She chucks me away in a corner and she doesn't feed me, or play with me.

I feel very weak and tired.

Who knows, I might even die. Then maybe, I could live happily in Angelgotchi Heavens.

It doesn't matter if I die. I am a "universal neglect" now.

Your depressed, upset, miserable, tired, weak and dying friend (although I think not anymore),

Ray the Universal Neglect
Darsh: Oh no...I still treat Ray as my friend! It doesn't matter if he is a universal! Oh..! I must write back to him!

She took out a piece of paper and quickly began writing.

Dear Ray,You are still my friend, no matter what. I don't care if you're a universal or not, its your heart that really matters.

And you are truly beautiful on the inside. If tamas evolved according to their personalities on the inside, you would the most handsome and charming tama.

Trust me, you will always be my friend no matter what.

Please, cheer up. You know you have me around. :)

So smile. It doesn't matter if you have a mean nanny. You can be independent! You can do things own your own! That way, you can show your nanny that you really are great on the inside. Maybe, who knows, she could turn over a new leaf?

See, so be yourself, you know that you are a wonderful tama.

Your true, and forever, friend,

Darsh Ringotchi.

PS: I evolved into a Ringotchi! It took me quite a while to adjust to only black and white, but I did it!
Nan: Darling, we have to go get some school supplies for tomorrow.

Darsh: Now?

Nan: Yep, and then I can take you swimming afterwards.

Darsh: Great! But...I have to get a new swimming costume. The one I have now is too small.

Nan: That's why we need to go shopping

Nan and Darsh go to the TamaMall at Tamatown to shop for Darsh's school supply and new swimming costume.


Dear Diary,

Today, Nan and I went shopping for my new school supplies! We bought lots of BLUE (and some pink) stuff! I like pale violet red ever since I became a ringotchi. Weird...

Nevermind. I shall write down what we bought:

-Sling bag with blue with silver sparkles

-Pencil case with dark blue with light pink and blue swirls

-Blue ink pens

-Ringotchi eraser (Its an eraser shaped of a ringotchi! I absolutely love it!)

-Blue and pink notebooks

-Foolscap paper pad (with pink and blue lines =D)

-A set of coloured markers

I think that's about it. Also we bought my new swimming costume! It looks really neat.

Its a one piece, blue and pink swimming costume.

Ahh, I have to eat dinner now. Write in you tomorrow!


Darsh Ringotchi♥

The next day in front of the Elementary School...

Nan: Bye dear! Have a good time. Remember, you'll be raking intelligence class.

Darsh: Yes, Nan

Nan: You be a good girl, now. *hugs Darsh*

Darsh: *Hugs back* Ok Nan.

Nan: And also, I'll be fetching you 1 hour later. At 4.25pm.

Darsh: Why?!

Nan: So you can go swimming. The pool is in your school, now. I put your swimming stuffs in your bag.

Darsh: Oh, thanks Nan! *hugs* I better go now.

Darsh goes to the reception hall where she found Jewel, and sat next to her.

Jewel: Hey Darsh. So, you got used to black and white?

Darsh: Yeah. It feels like I'm in some old movie.

Then, Mr turtle came up on stage.

Mr turtle: Hello tama teens! And welcome to Tama Elementry school! You will be given a form to fill in to make sure you are true members and it will ask you all sorts of questions about which classes you will like to take. There are 3 parts of this school, each with a few classes you will like to take. Tick the boxes by the classes and sign please. You are allowed to choose 6 classes and will be going to school everyday except the weekend and you will start school at 8:50AM till 3:25PM. So please start now.

Darsh filled up her form:


Age: 1

Which part of the school are you studying? Please put a cross by the skill you will like to work on.

Intellagence X



Which classes will you like to take?



Biology X

English X

Maths X

Geography X


History X

Chemistry X


















Story writing




What will you want to be when you are older? (character)

Please write below:



What job do you want when you are older?

Please write below:

Fashion Designer


Darsh walked up to the kuchipatchi receptionist and handed it in.

Kuchipatchi: Thank you. Please come back in an hour for your timetable. You can do whatever you like now. There is also the Campus tour going on. If you'd like to go, please head to the front porch. The tour starts in 10 minutes.

Darsh: Oh, ok. *walks out of reception hall* Hmm, I wonder where's Jewel? She told me she'd wait for me outside...*searches for Jewel*

Darsh found Jewel in a bush place just outside the school cafe.

Darsh: Hi Jewel! What are you doing down there?

Jewel: (picking at the leaves down shirt) Having a bath. you?

Darsh: *laughs* I've been looking for you everywhere. Want to go inside the caf?

Jewel: Yes please.

They walk back into the school cafe and eat and drink.

Jewel: Don't we have to go back now?

Darsh: Hmm, yes. Lets go!

They walk to the reception desk again.

Kuchipatchi: Names please?

Jewel: Rose-Jewel and Darsh.

Kuchipatchi: Here are your timetables. Start first lesson now please.

Darsh's timetable was:


History, Geography *Break* Math, Biolology *Lunch* Chemistry, English

Darsh walked to the History classroom with Jewel.

They had History, Chemistry and English together.

During break and lunch they hung out together as well.

Then, it was time to go home.

Darsh: Oh, I'm staying here for a swim. You know I love swimming. Nan is only gonna fetch me at 4.25pm.

Jewel: Well, ok then! Bye!

Darsh: Bye! But...wait, isn't your nan fetching you?

Jewel: *shakes head* Nope, she has a cold.

Darsh: Oh, I hope she gets well soon.

Jewel: I better go now. Bye!

Then, Darsh changes into her swimming costume and swam in the swimming pool.

Some of her other classmates, too were there at the swimming pool.

After 50 minutes of swimming, Darsh took a shower and changed.

As she placed her swimming costume into her bag, she noticed an envelope.

Darsh: *Takes out envelope* Ohh, its from Ray! *walks to school gate to wait for Nan*

Dear Darsh,Thankyou ever so much for cheering me up. You have boosted my moral greatly. I have a lot of confidence now and I do things independently, like you told me to. One of my nanny's friend asked if she could have me, and my nanny said yes! I think my new nanny is really nice. She is taking me tomorrow, oh am I ever so glad! So, tell me about how being a ringotchi is like. I can never imagine just seeing the world only in black and white.

Anyways, I shall continue this letter by telling you about my family.

My father, was a Nonbiritchi. He always told me to be good, no matter what.

But sometimes, I feel like getting back at my nanny.

When he was younger, in his teens, he wrote a book for someone he truly admired.

The tama he liked was always in misery. Always depressed. My father always tried cheering her up, but she took no interest in him. She admired a dashing mametchi instead. My father never gave hope on her. He gave the book to her, but not directly. He passed it to the mametchi, so he could give it to her. Of course, after the mametchi gave her the book, she became the most happiest tama my father have ever seen. But she did not think it was my father who wrote the book, she thought it was the mametchi.

Soon, my father found out that the mametchi had lied and said that he wrote it himself.

My father was of course, shocked. But he took no action.

In the end, he got married to another tama, and the mametchi married to the girl who my father loved.

When my father told me the story, I felt angry. I wanted to find that mametchi and beat him up.

But my father told me that I should never take revenge.

Then I asked, "Don't you love that girl? So why did you let him get away with it?"

And he said, " What matters, is that the one you truly love is happy. I am happy, that she is happy. If she is happier with that mametchi, so be it. All I wanted her to be is not to be sad and depressed. When I see her happy, it makes me happy. And nothing satisfied me more. Remember dear son, revenge does not solve your problems."

And after that night, he left for tamatown.

I have never seen him ever since then, for my nanny would not take me there.

But I know he is happy, and that makes me happy.

And knowing that you are happy, makes me happy as well.

I love you Darsh, as a good friend, that is why when you smile while reading this letter, I smile.

And nothing matters more than that.

Your (good) friend,


Dear Diary,

I don't know how to describe this feeling...but, like what Jewel told me earlier, it might be a crush!

I told Nan about it and showed her the letter and she smiled. But then she pointed out that he only loved me as a friend.

But, oh! I guess I love him as a friend too, but now I think more than that.

For the past few hours, I have been daydreaming about him and how he is like...

I really, really, really like him now! (I guess..)

Oh, I just can't explain it. I told Jewel just now on the phone, and I read her the letter.

She giggled and said, "Yup, its a crush alright! Wow Darsh. I can't believe he actually told you he loved you!

I said," Only as a friend...!"

Then she giggled and told me she had to put down the phone. Sigh...

I have to start revising now. The exams are coming, the day after tomorrow!

Yes, isn't tama school fast? Soon, we'll be graduating...bla bla bla..

Well, I better start revising.

But how can I possibly revise with Ray in mind?

I think I'm in love him!

In love with Ray,


The day after Darsh's exams (2 days after prev post)...

Darsh: (walking to school with Jewel) Ohh, I'm so excited! We're evolving today!

Jewel: Yes!! I hope we both turn into mimitchis! :angry:

Darsh: Oh, I have to meet my history teacher now. Well, see you later...as a mimitchi!

Jewel: Thanks! Bye!

As Darsh walked to the lounge outside the school cafe...

Darsh: *Feels faint* Ohh, dear. I think I might be...evolvi-*shuts eyes tightly* *turns into a mimitchi*

Darsh: Thank goodness my headache's gone. *Opens eyes* Hey...I can see colours! Ohh! I've evolved! *Runs quickly to toilet*

Darsh: *Looking at mirror* I'm a mimitchi!! Yes! Oh, I have to tell Jewel! And..Ray! I wonder what he evolved into...


Dear diary,

Today I evolved into a mimitchi! Finally, Im an adult! So is Jewel, she evolved into a mimitchi too.

Oops, I realised that I haven't pasted all my letters from Ray. Okay, so here I go:

Dear Ray,Its good to know that you will be getting a new owner. I hope she takes care of you really well, because you will be happy. And if you are happy, I would be happy as well. :)

I shall write about my family, too.

My father is a mametchi (not the one that stole your father's true love! I hope you don't think that all mametchis are bad tamas)

He met my mother ever since he was a baby!

My grandmother, a violetchi brought him to the hospital childcare and put him in the same corner with my mother!

Then, they met again in pre-school. And they went to the same classes for elementry school.

They also went to the school prom together.

And my father proposed to her in Guruguru Town.

He was a firefighter, then when he got me, he changed his job to a singer.

He recorded an album, and one of the songs was about me!

Being a ringotchi was pretty hard at first. I felt like using my crayons to colour the whole world in. I felt like I was in a colouring book! I cried when I first evolved, but Nan gave me a book, The Paintbrush of Love

Its a really good book, and it motivated me a lot. So, I got used to the black and white thing. Have you read the book? Its really good.

Nan and I both want me to become a mimitchi!

Tell me about your new owner in your next letter.

I love you too, (as a true and good friend)

Darsh Ringotchi
Actually, I wished that I could just tell him "I love you". Well, here's his reply:

Dear Darsh,My new owner is really very nice. She told me to call her "mum", but she said also to only address my real parents by "Mother" and "Father", because its more formal, and I shows respect. She sent me to social classes, and I feel like talking and intereacting with everyone I meet nowadays! I'm usually very happy.

Mum tells me that she is increasing my social points so that I can become her favourite character. She doesn't tell me what it is, she says it'll be a surprise! And once in a week, she would bring me to tamatown to see my parents. I always hope to see you there, but mum always makes the trips quick.

I'm glad you like the Paintbrush of Love. I know the author personally. But I will not tell you how I got to know him or my relation with him , I will surprise when its the right moment. Oh, and I also am happy that you are going to become a mimitchi. I admire them, they are very intelligent and pretty. I know you will be, too.

I'm off to Social Class now. Write back to me soon!

Your ever-happy friend,

My reply to him:

Dear Ray,Maybe she is going to make you evolve into a Nonbiritchi like your father. After all, that is the special character with the most social points. My exams are today, oh I hope I do well. I can't write for long, as I have revision to do before I go to school. And I can't write after school, because I promised Nan that I will revise with her the whole night. I think intelligence class is a bit stressful.

Your owner (mum) sure sounds nice! I prefer her much more than your previous nanny. Its always better to be happy. So, now that you are very sociable, have you made any new friends? Tell me about them. Oh, I wish I could see you at Tamatown too! That would be terrific if I could see you again. I do long to hear your voice again. Please do tell me how you met the author. Its my favourite book ever! I have read the book over and over again, to look for hidden meanings in the story.

Thankyou for admiring what I am going to evolve into.

Surprise me! (When you evolve and when you tell me how you know the author)

Your curious friend,

Darsh Ringotchi
Then, he replied:

Dear Darsh,Good luck for your exams! I know you will do well! My social classes has no exams. They grade you on how many firends you have, how many good deeds we have done, etc. I think its very stress-free, unlike intelligence classes that you take.

I have made many new friends, but none as close as I am to you. I hang out in a "click". There are: young kuchipatchi, oniontchi, nikatchi, young dorotchi, hawaikotchi and me. They are all very friendly and nice. We hang out together during break and lunch. We all want to have social jobs when we grow up, except the young dorotchi. She wants to be a singer, but she tells us that her owner accidently put her in social class instead of art class. I want to be a tour guide when I grow up into an adult. (Whatever that adult may be. Mum still hasn't told me yet) That is, if I return to Tama Planet. I can't possibly guide tourists around planet Earth! Its too big!

I will tell you the author when it is the right time, dear friend. Be patient. Patience is a virtue.

Your stress-free friend,

Ray (the tour guide =) )
Ok, next page:

So I wrote back to him,

Dear Ray,Im writing on the train now, sitting next to Nan. She told me to write now, because at home, she will do more revision with me. She said that my passing my exams with flying colours are important, because I can graduate, get a good job and get a good pay. I want to be a fashion designer ever since Nan brought me children magazines when I was a toddler. I saw the clothes they wore, and I wanted to design clothes too. And since then, I've been sketching and doodling outfits and dresses that I want tamas to wear.

I think social classes are not stressful too. In my school, when I see the social students, they're always relaxing. They never seem worried or tense about anything. You guys are lucky! Maybe if you are really, really good you possibly could guide tourist around Planet Earth! And you would be the first tama to do that! But it would be wonderful if you could come back to stay in Tama Planet.

I guess I'm kind of impatient, because I really want to know about the author. Well, since you won't tell me I'll ask some questions about him. But you must answer them.

Is he a nice person?

Is he romantic?

How old is he?

Did he marry a ringotchi? (like the main character in the book)

What type of tama was he?

Oh, I have reached Mame City. I have to stop writing now.

Reply soon!

Your impatient friend,

Darsh Ringotchi
And here's today's letter :)

(Which he wrote yesterday)

Dear Darsh,Wow, time sure flies! We're evolving into adults tomorrow! Yes, maybe I will be a Nonbiritchi like my father; but do you like them? I mean, do you like Nonbritchis? Hmm, I think having a nest for hair and a yellow chirping canary living in it will be quite...well, irritating? I don't really know. Father tells me that the bird is just like a pet, and after two weeks, the bird flies off, leaving an egg. And that egg will hatch, grow into a canary, and fly off two weeks later. And it goes on and on, until...you know.

Quite interesting, isn't it? But I wouldn't want to go to class with a chirping bird in my hair. *Sigh*, Im sure there will be other Nonbritchis as well. And I just had a crazy idea. Maybe all the birds on our head can all sing, and form a choir! Wow, that is crazy! About me guiding tourists aroung the whole planet Earth? That is crazy too! Just joking! I think that may be too...ambitious for me?

Well, I'll answer you're questions about the author.

Yes, he is a very nice, patient person tama. (unlike you, miss impatient)

Romantic? Why did you think that?

Old? Oh, he is pretty old, considering he wrote the book when he was much younger.

No, he did not marry a ringotchi. (sadly)

Hah, I shall not tell you that. :)

Write soon! And tell me what you have evolved into.

Your friend (who doesn't want a nest as hair),

Here is what I wrote to him today:

Dear Ray,I think that Nonbritchis are okay, they are very kind tamas. I never knew about the canary, it is interesting to know!

Today I evolved into a mimitchi! Here's a picture:

[Picture of two mimitchis smiling in front of a school]

I am the one on the left, Jewel, the tama I mentioned before, is the one next to me.

Finally, my exams are over!

Hmm, is the writer a kuchipatchi?

I think he might be romantic, because..the book is!

Do you still meet him nowadays?

How did you first know him?

Who did he marry, does he have a child?

Write soon!

Your waiting friend,

Darsh Mimitchi
Well, its time for me to have dinner now.


Darsh Mimitchi :puroperatchi:

At graduation ceremony...

Raine: (Darsh's mum) Darsh! Oh, you are such a beautiful mimitchi!

Kevin: (Darsh's dad) And intelligent too. I hope you get a good job, sweetie.

Darsh: Mm-hmm. I have to go now. Since my name starts with is one of the first few letters of the alphabet, I have to get ready on stage early. See you later! *hugs parents*

When the last name was announced, everyone got off their seats and threw off their hats...

Kevin: We're proud of you darling

Nan: Yes, you are such a wonderful student, all the teachers told me.

Darsh: Aww, thanks. I have to go say bye to them.

Nan: We'll wait outside for you, hun.

Darsh went to where all her teachers were.

She said goodbye to them and cried.

She thanked them for being wonderful teachers.

She hugged her female teachers, and they gave her envelopes filled with hearts.


Outside the school...

Nan: Come on darling, let's send your parents off.

Darsh: Ok

Nan: Oh, and I forgot. You have a letter from your lover, Ray this morning.

Darsh: *cheeks turn bright red* He isn't my lover Naaaan...! He is a friend!

Nan: *chuckles* A friend who loves you.

Raine: (overhears conversation) Ooh, somebody has an admirer...is my little daughter in love?

Darsh: Muuumm...! Noo..it isn't what you think..!

Kevin: Who is this Ray guy, sweetheart? Your new boyfriend?

Darsh: No, Dad! He isn't! Will you guys ever stop?

Raine: Aww, come one sweetie. Tell us who he is.

Darsh: Can I at least read the letter first? And in peace...?

Kevin: Okay, okay. We won't disturb your love life.

Darsh: DAD!!

Darsh opened the envelope and started reading...

Dear Darsh,Wow, you look absolutely stunning. Guess what I have evolved into...nope, not a Nonbritchi, a kuchipatchi!  :D

Its great that your exams are over. You can finally write back to me, with longer letters! But Im afraid this is my last letter to you. Please, do not be upset. Mum says she is taking me somewhere else to live in, and its another surprise. She really likes surprising people, but I can't always expect the best out of her. I have no clue where she is going to take me to, but she told me she won't post anymore letters for me when we arrive at my new home. Wherever that may be.

Since this is my last letter, I will tell you my true feelings.

Darsh, I love you. I loved you ever since we met at the playground. I admired the way you could colour, how friendly you were. I only said I love you as a friend because I did not want our friendship to be destroyed. You know the saying, "Love can ruin friendships". I don't know how you feel towards me, but I really, truly love you. But we may never see each other again; I do not know where I'm going to live next. You would meet the matchmaker soon, and get married. But I want you to be happy, that is the most important thing in whole world to me.

Love (such a relief to pen the word!), love, love,


PS: Here's your answer to the last question about the author. He married a pukatchi and he did get a child. That child is me.
Darsh had a mix of feelings.

She was overjoyed to know Ray loved her.

But she very sad that she would not ever have a chance to see him again.

She started crying.

She didn't know if it was tears of joy, or she was crying because of sadness.

Nan: Darsh, sweet, you alright? Why are you crying?

Darsh: *Gives letter to Nan* I don't know Nan...*sniff* I..*cries*

Raine: Oh dear. There, there sweetie, everythings gonna be alright...*hugs Darsh*

Darsh: No its not! Mum, read the letter, I'll never be okay!

They went into Darsh's parent's house.

They sat in the living room.

Kevin: *reading letter* At least he loves you. And if you are happy, he would be happy. Don't you want him to be happy, Darsh? Isn't he being happy the most important thing to you?

Darsh: (still crying) Yes...but! Oh, I can never see him! And..and the matchmaker..she'll come soon. Then, I'll get married..*sniff*

Raine: Sweetie, you can't have everything in life. You have to move on.

Darsh: *cries* I know...but! He loves me, I love him...and I can never see him again..!

Nan: Cheer, up sweet. Like what your father said. You must be happy.

They continued talking until Darsh became alright.

Darsh: Bye mum, bye dad. Thanks.

Raine: You're welcome, sweetie.

Kevin: Remember, be happy!

Darsh got her job as a fashion designer, she designed a new line of clothes, she became succesful.

Nan: Okay, hun! Today you're six, you know what that means!

Darsh: The matchmaker. No...! I want Ray! Nan, can I not get married?

Nan: You will regret that. I don't want you to be an old, unmarried tama. Neither do you.

Darsh: Chpprft..I know..but! Agh...*scribbles all over on the piece of paper she was sketching designs on*

Nan: Darling, you have to move on.

Darsh: I'm not gonna be happy bout it.

Nan: Come on, sweet.

Darsh: *grumbles*

Nan: Okay, so do you want this to be done and over with or, do you want the matchmaker to surprise with.

Darsh: (moody voice) First option...

Nan: Okay...

Nan sets the clock to 10.29am

They wait for a minute.

Nan resetted the time again and again and again.

Darsh: Yes, the matchmaker isn't gonna come! Hah, the strength of willpower!

Nan resetted the time again.

Darsh: I bet she won't come! She won't, she won't, she won't!!!


Nan: *smiles* Answer it. You know its time.

Darsh: *slowly walks to the door and opens it*

She sees the matchmaker.

Ms. Busybody: Hello Darsh. Sorry for the delay...somebody's flight was delayed. *winks at Nan*

Nan: *winks back*

Darsh was too upset to notice it.

Ms. Busybody: I'm not going to check your stats, sweetheart.

Darsh: Why?

Ms. Busybody: Because I already have the perfect one for you... *motions someone to come*

A kuchipatchi slowly made his way to the door.

Ms. Busybody:...Ray!

Darsh: Ray?! Is that you?

Ray: *smiles* Darsh! :lol:


Dear Diary,

I have a baby girl! And I married Ray! How? Well, here's what happened:

Ray's owner actually brought him back to Tama Planet! That's why she said she won't post letters anymore, because he'll already be in Tama Planet, and he can see me all the time! And one day, while Nan went to Planet Earth for a little while, she bumped into Ray's owner. Nan knew she was Ray's owner because she was wearing a T-shirt with Ray's picture on it which says, "Ray is the best tama an owner could have". So Nan asked her if she really was Ray's owner, and she said yes!

Then, Nan told her about me. Actually Ray's owner already knows about me. Ray tells her everything! So, they went to back to Tama Planet and looked for the matchmaker. They arranged with the matchmaker, that she would fetch Ray and his owner from the airport, and bring him to my apartment. It was a perfect plan, because I turned 6 when Ray arrived back in Tama Planet.

But Ray's flight was delayed, so that's why the matchmaker didn't turn up for a few times when Nan set the clock. When Ray got back, his owner said his "long lost grandmother" wpuld be there to fetch him, and to bring him around town, to get to know each other better. The matchmaker pretended to be his "long lost grandmother" and she brought him to my house!

So that's what happened. Im the happiest in the world! And, me and Ray went to his real parent's house, where I first met my parents-in-law. I finally met the author of my favourite book, The Paintbursh of Love, Ray's father!

Today is truly the most wonderful day.


Darsh mimitchi :lol:

Ray now lives with Darsh.

At Darsh's living room...

Ray: Darsh, why are you still crying?

Darsh: Oh, I'm just...so, so...happy! Im so happy, Im crying. *Laughs while crying*

Ray: :)

Baby: Mama! *babies crawls to Darsh and tries to wipe away tears*

Darsh: Aww, thanks. *hugs baby*

Ray: What shall we name her?

Darsh: I'm so in love with Pakistani names...they're beautiful.

Ray: Pakistani names?

Darsh: Yes, I learnt about them in history class. *Looks at baby* Let's call her...

Darsh: ...Zahra

Zahra: *smiles*

Darsh: She's so beautiful.

Ray: Yes. *strokes Zahra's cheek*

Zahra: Da..da! *giggles*

Nan: (Walking out form kitchen) Hey! Time for lunch! So, what's her name?

Ray: Zahra. :)

After lunch, Ray brought Zahra for a tour around Tama Planet.

Afterall, he is a tourguide

At night later...

Darsh: Goodnight Zahra. We love you.

Zahra: *smiles and hugs Darsh*

Ray: Sleep tight, darling. *Puts zahra into baby cot*

Darsh: Zahra, Nan is here to take care of you. She's very nice, she took care of me. Be a good girl.

Zahra: *Nods head, still smiling*

Ray: Do you promise to be nice to Nan as well?

Zahra: Nyeeh! *giggles happily*

Darsh: Good girl. I'm leaving you a diary, so you can write in it when you're older.

Ray: Ok, darling. Sleep well.

Zahra: *closes eyes and slowly drifts off to sleep*

~Zahra's thoughts~

Hmm, mama and dada are very nice. But they keep talking to me before I go to sleep. I hope Nan (whoever that may be) will be nice. I think Nan is the human who is always around us. She is nice. Phew. I don't want a bad human nanny. Dada told me he had a bad human nanny. Luckily, he got a new one. :)


I'm so tired, after going around the whole planet. But, oh, Guruguru Town was the best! Its so beautiful...so pretty...so colourful! I want to live there one day. I want to sleep, but something's telling me not to. Mama and Dada are now talking to Nan...outside, in the living room. Mama sounds pretty sad. She was crying nearly the whole time today. Maybe its another one of her happy cries. I feel so slee- zzzz...

Darsh: (outside with Nan and Ray) Goodbye Nan. Thanks for taking care of me. I'll miss you so much! *hugs Nan, with tears in her eyes*

Nan: *hugs Darsh* Its ok, sweet. I'll visit you with Zahra tomorrow.

Darsh: *nods head* Okay. Thanks for everything.

Ray: Thanks Nan. Goodbye.

They leave for Tamatown, where their new home as parents were.

In the morning...

Zahra: *opens eyes* Mama? Dada?

Nan: Your parents left. We can visit them later.

Zahra: *starts crying* WAAAA!!!

Nan: Ohh dearie me! Hush, dear Zahra...*adds name in Zahra's status*

Zahra: *stops crying* Uuuhhh...! I feel soooo moody! Grr, Im so hungry!!

Nan: *feeds Zahra with candies, food and milk*

Zahra: Mmm...! Milk! Oh, I feel so happy, I want to dance! *dances*

Nan: Aww, that's so cute!

Zahra: *smiles* I feel so much better. Thanks Nan! She is nice!

Nan: Come, on. Let's play jump rope. All you have to do is to jump when the rope comes. I'll tell you when to jump if you need help.

Zahra: *Nods head* Hmm, this sounds like fun!

Nan takes out a rope, ties on end of it to a chair and holds the other end.

Zahra manages to skip 30 times, perfect!

Nan: Wow, Zahra, you're good. Do you want to play another round of jump rope?

Zahra: *jumps up and down excitedly*

Nan: I see that's a yes!

Zahra played 5 rounds of jump rope till she got tired.

Nan: You don't want to play anymore?

Zahra: *shakes head*

Nan: Okay. I'll be in the kitchen. The toybox is just there. You can play with the toys.

Nan goes into the kitchen.

Zahra: Wow...that was one tiring workout. Hmm, what toy shall I play with? *Looks into toybox* Aha! Stuff toys! *cuddles lion dolls*

Zahra fell asleep, cuddling the lion toy.

Then, she woke up a few hours later, feeling dizzy.

Zahra: Why do I feel so dizzy? This is uncomfortable! *hugs lion doll tighter* Ohh, I better call Nan! NAAAAAAAN!

In the kitchen, Nan heard a beep from Zahra and rushed out.

Nan: What's the matter dear?

Zahra: *hugs Nan* *evolves into a toddler*

Nan: Hun, you evolved into a mizumatchi!

Zahra: Wassat?

Nan: ...and you can talk! :)


Dear Diary,

This is my first entry! Yipee! And I'm writing in pink and orange! Their my favourite colours ever!

Today, I evolved into a mizumatchi. I look like a little water droplet. And it feels weird when I take a bath, because, well, I'm "water" as well.

Then, right after I evolved, there was mail! It was the letter to preschool, oh boy, was I nervous.

But Nan said I'll make lots of new friends there. But before we went to Tamatown for preschool, Nan said that we'd be moving to Guruguru town!! I LOVE guruguru town more than ever! I think its the best place to live in whole Tama Planet.

We packed up, and then took a train to Guruguru Town. Nan said we'll be living in the apartment, where my great-grandma Nessa used to live in.

Nan allowed me to decorate my room anyway I wanted. So, Nan took me to the ARTS centre nearby, and we got some room decorations!

So I drew on a piece of paper, how I wanted my room to look like. And Nan helped me to put up the decorations.

Now my room looks like a princess palace! Most of the decorations are pink and blue.

After all that, Nan took me to preschool. I was kinda nervous, but I saw many other tamas, so I said bye to Nan, and ran of to them, to make some new friends.

Then, I saw a pretty harutchi on the swing. I said "hi" to her.

This was our conversation:

Me: Hi! I'm Zahra, you?

Harutchi: Hello. I'm Rosie. Did you evolve today?

Me: Yes, it was dizzy.

Rosie: Yeah! I nearly fainted. Do you have a Nan?

Me: Yes, she's really nice.

Rosie: So is mine. She's taking me to a museum later, after preschool.

Me: Wow! That's cool. Where do you live? I live at Guruguru Town!

Rosie: I live at Mame City.

Me: I used to live there too, but I evolved into a mizumatchi, so I moved to Guruguru Town.

Then, the preschool teacher called us in.

We sat together. The teacher (Ms Butterscotch) was also very nice. She showed us all the characters that we can evolve into and she passed round growth charts. I took the "Meme Family" growth chart.

I immediately wanted to become a Makiko. They're so pretty...their curly hair, big eyes, long eyelashes, sparkley ribbon, purple high heels...everything!

Then, Nan fetched me after preschool and I told her I wanted to be a Makiko. She smiled and said she would send me to Arts Class when I am old enough to go to Elementary School.

We visited my parents, and went fishing. First, I got a can. Then I got a fish! And, Nan is cooking it now. Yum, yum.

Oh, its time for dinner now.


Zahra Mizumatchi

At the end of preschool the next day...

Ms Butterscotch: These are important letters. Open them when you step out of the class, only *hands outs letters*

A student: Why not now?

Ms Butterscotch: That's a surprise for you. *bell rings* Okay, class, you are dissmissed now.

As soon as everyone stepped out of the class, they evolved into teenagers!

Zahra: Whoa...I feel all dizzy! *evolves* Hey...I don't feel like a water droplet anymore...*looks in mirror* I'm a young memetchi!! :)

Nan: Good for you! You'll be a makiko soon enough.

Zahra: YAY! Ohh, my letter!

Nan: Its probably the letter to elementary school.

Zahra: *opens letter*

[SIZE=10pt]Dear Zahra, [/SIZE]

You are now old enough to go to school. You can attend one from three parts of the school, the choices are: Intelligence, Fashion or Social. Please attend the Tama Elementary School tomorrow morning at 10AM. You will be given a sheet to complete and please come at the reception hall.


Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

Professor Turtle.
Zahra: You’re right, Nan! It is the letter to elementary school! I’m taking fashion/arts classes right?

Nan: Yup. Come on, let’s go shop for your school materials you’ll need tomorrow

Zahra: Yea!! I love shopping!

Nan and Zahra take the bus to TamaMall.

At the stationary shop…

Zahra: Look at that stationary set! Its all pink! And the one over there, its all orange!

Nan: Ok, let’s get them both.

Zahra: Thanks, Nan!

Nan: While I get them, why don't you find a bag you'd like to bring to school?

Zahra: Okay!

Zahra went into the Bag Shop, which was next to the stationary shop.

She looked for a bag she would like.

Finally, she found a bag, it was a pink sling bag, decorated with silver kechains and it had orange flower designs.

Zahra paid for the bag, and she went back into the stationary shop to find Nan.

Zahra: Nan! I got this bag!

Nan: That looks nice on you, good choice!

Zahra: Thanks.

They finished their shopping and went home.

The next day at the front gates of Tama Elementary School...

Zahra: Bye Nan!

Nan: Bye, sweet! Have fun!

Zahra walked into the school and went to the reception hall.

They were given a form and they filled it up:

Name: Zahra

Age: 1

Which part of the school are you studying? Please put a cross by the skill you will like to work on.


Fashion x


Which classes will you like to take?












Modelling x

Cooking x

Textiles x


Singing x

Acting x

Dancing x









Story writing




What will you want to be when you are older? (character)

Please write below:



What job do you want when you are older?

Please write below:

Kindergarten/ Travel Guide


Zarah: Have you finished yet?

Rosie: Yes

Zarah: Great! Want to get some choc from the vending machine?

Rosie: Sure.

They walked into the cafe and grabbed some choc which was 49p.

Then, they saw a sad looking obotchi. He was a male one and he was reading a book.

There was a group of other male teens crowding him. Calling him names.

Rosie: Why are they being so horrible to him?

Zahra: He's a bully victim. Everyone hates him. Cuz he's a boffer and is always reading.

Rosie: Do you hate him?

Zahra: No! He's kind of cute. And nice. I hate those guys that bully him. Because he's a universal you see.

Rosie: I'm a universal...

Zahra: I know. You wont get bullied. And you wanted to be a universal to be a pyonkotchi.

Rosie: Yes. What's that boys name?

Zahra: The universal? It's Danny.

Rosie: Danny..

Danny looked up. He blushed and hid behind the book.

Danny: W-What do you want?

Rosie: Don't be so harsh! I'm not a bully.

Zahra: Kate's calling for us.

Rosie: I will be over in a sec.

Zahra went to Kate, but Rosie stayed with Danny.

Kate: Hey Z. What were you two doing there?

Zahra: Oh, we just wanted to grab a snack. *shows chocolate bar*

Kate: Cool, can I have some?

Zahra: Sure. *breaks off a few cubes of choc and gives it to Kate*

Kate: So, why's Rosie still doing there?

Zahra: Not so sure myself. Let's watch her.

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Kate: Ohh, what is she doing?

Zahra: Look! She sat next to Danny!

Kate: Aww, sweet! Oh, oh, oh! She took his hands!

Zahra: Look at hows he's blushing! His face is as red as a beetroot!

Kate: Come on, let's go to her!


Dear diary,

Today, Rosie has a crush on somebody! He's name is Danny.

It looks as if Danny likes her back as well, ooh! She's calling me now. Hold on...I'll write down what she says:

Me: Hey Rosie! So how was tea with Danny?

Rosie: Hi Zahra! It was ok, but kind of awkward...he kept on being quiet and he blushed so much! Luckily my nan was there to pep up the conversation!

Me: *Laughs* Really?

Rosie: Yeah! He was so nervous. I did most of the talking.

Me: What did he say to you?

Rosie: Oh, he was really sweet too. When my Nan went into the kitchen, he would tell me how pretty I look and how nice my ribbons were...

Me: Aww! That's so sweet...! So...did he confess or anything?

Rosie: Haa...I was about to get to that point

Me: OOOH! Quick, tell me!

Rosie: Ok...when my Nan said she'll be back soon, she said she needed to run an errand. So she left, and then Danny was like looking at his feet, and boy, was he red!

Me: Then?? What happened?

Rosie: Then, he got up. And he said he needed to go, since it was already 6.45pm...

Me: And...?

Rosie: He said that he really liked me, and then he kissed me on the cheek and ran out of the door!!

Me: Omigawsh! REALLY?

Rosie: Yeaaah!! Oooooh!!!

Me: *Laughs* Lucky you!

Rosie: *giggles* Kay...I have to put down the phone now. Cya tmr!

Me: Kay...wait for me at Tamatown Train station, and we take a bus to school together, alright?

Rosie: Yep, bye!!

Me: Bye!

WOW! Isn't she lucky? Oh, gotta go! I have homework to do. :)


Zahra Young Memetchi :mellow:

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The next day at Tamatown station...

Zahra: *Alights train* Where's Rosie...? *Looks around for Rosie* Ahh, there she is! *Goes to Rosie* Hi!

Rosie: Eh, hi!

Zahra: Have you been waiting long?

Rosie: Nope, I just arrived. Let's go!

Zahra: Okay.

They board a bus which goes to their school.

At the next stop, Danny boarded the bus.

Zahra: Ooh...look. Somebody's boyfriend is here...!

Rosie: Oh, hush! I'm not even sure if he like-likes me!

Zahra: Well, duh lucky girl. He kissed you...!

Rosie: Ohh, keep quiet will you?

Zahra: Why don't you go talk to him?

Rosie: Now?

Zahra: Yeah.

Rosie: Ok...wish me luck!

Zahra: Good luck, Rosie. You can do it! :mellow:


Dear Diary,

It has been long since I have updated you. I've been terribly busy with exams and everything! Tonight's the prom night!

Its said that when 10.30pm comes, when we are all dancing at the prom tonight, we'll all evolve into adults! Wow, I'm so excited.

Oh yeah, and Ches, a young mametchi asked me to be his date for tonight! Actually, I'm not really into him, so is he, but we were the only ones left without a date. So yeah, he asked me to be his date.

Ches is going to pick me up soon, at 7.00pm. I'm wearing my sparkly pink dress that my mother bought for me. And I'm going to wear puprle high heels with a sparkly purple ribbon. Oh, and Rosie is dating Danny tonight!!

I can't wait for the prom. I hope I become a makiko!

Oh, Ches is at the door already.


Zahra Young Memetchi :mellow:

Ches: Hey Zahra...you look..pretty.

Zahra: Thanks! Let's go.

Ches and Zahra take a cab to their school.

Ches seemed very nervous around Zahra.

Zahra: I wonder why he's so nervous...but I know he doesn't like me or anything. Oh well, maybe its just he isn't a good dancer

They arrive at school.

Zahra: *spots Rosie* Hey, Rosie!

Rosie: Hi Zahra! You look nice in that dress

Zahra: Thanks, you look nice too! Ooh, somebody's dating Danny tonight! *winks* :huh:

Rosie: *blushes* Oh, keep quiet. Your making me nervous!

Zahra: Ooh, I can't wait till we evolve!

Rosie: Yeah, me too! I really wonder what Danny is going to evolve into...he says its a surprise for me!

Then, the music started and everyone started dancing.

Suddenly, the music stopped, and Mr Canvas hopped on stage. (I mean literally, hopped on stage)

Mr Canvas: Okaaaay darlings and dearies!! In a few seconds, you all will evolve!!

Students cheer

Mr Canvas: Ok, ok...hush now. Let's begin the countdown! *squeals in delight* OOH!

Everyone: 10......9....8.....7......6.....5.....4......3.....2....

Everyone: ...ONE!!!

There were sparkles and glimmers of light, as they all evolved into beautiful adults, wearing their prom dresses and tuxs.

Excitement filled the air

Ches: *Evolves into a Mametchi* I...I think I'm a Mametchi!

Zahra: *Evolves into a Memetchi* Hey...! I'm a Meme-OH! *Evolves again: Feels hair get longer, skin turns violet, eyelashes grow longer, eyes become bigger, shiny*

Ches: Zahra! You're a Makiko!

Zahra: ..I am? *Looks at self* I am!!

Ches and Zahra decided to go for a stroll at the garden, for a little fresh air, after all the excitement.

Zahra: I feel so happy, I'm finally a Makiko!

Ches: Its good that you're happy. Wanna sit down? *points to bench*

Zahra: Okay. *sits down on bench*

Ches: *sits on bench next to Zahra* Zahra...I have something to tell you.


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