V4 TamaTown


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Sep 21, 2006
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it admires to mametchi and it sounds with becoming to aindiar in the "assistant of investigated of mametchi" is very enthusiastic with all its projects, but sometimes it commits idiot errors.

Is the text off the v4 TamaTown translated into English with babel fish. I found it in the town hall on the picture of the young tamagotchis.

Admira a mametchi y suena con convertirse aindiar en el "ayudante de investigaron de mametchi" es muy entusiasta con todos sus proyectos, pero en ocasiones comete errores tontos.
Anyone know what this is? :huh:

Please reply!

I remember asking Spiffy about this some time ago. Each time you click on that poster you either get Young Kuchipatchi, Young Memetchi and Young Mametchi. This is what Spiffy said:

When I clicked on it I got Young Kuchipatchi:
Es un Tamagotchi que admira a Kuchipatchi. Es educado y se toma las cosas con calma, pero pierde un poco los papeles cuando hace las cosas que más le gusta.

He's a Tamagotchi who admires Kuchipatchi. He is polite and takes things calmly, but he gets a bit offhand when he does the things he likes best.

Then I managed to get Young Mametchi up:

Admira a Mametchi y sueña con convertirse algún día en el "ayudante de investigación de Mametchi". Es muy entusiasta con todos sus proyectos, pero en ocasiones comete errores tontos.

He admires Mametchi, and dreams to become "Mametchi's investigation helper". He is very enthusiatic with all of his project though sometimes he makes silly mistakes.

Then finally, Young Memetchi came:

Ella adora Memetchi y cuida mucho su aspecto, especialmente sus rizadas pestañas.

She adores Memetchi and she cares for her looks a lot, specially her curly eyelashes 
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Wow...I learned something myself. Y. Mametchi is Mametchi's helper? YAY! Why would Y. Memetchi respect eyebrows? That is sick. And as for young Kutchipatchi I think we works more than lazy old Kutchipatchi.

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