V4 tip guide


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Thank you so much! My toddler :nyatchi: is so delighted with her playhouse! Brilliant good fun! Much appreciated.

can i ask you some thing? ( after playing mini games of work, when can i and how can i get gotchi points?


freaktard is right.the cd3 code doesnt work.i typed in all of the other codes then i did the last one but it didnt work.i didnt get the cd3 or the rare cell phone.

;) llilylilacrose :p

Thanks for the info! I havve all kinds of tamagotchi and I don't know what version it works for! :blink:

Thanks so much for that helpful guide! I have now entered four of the shop codes, but the problem is that the fifth one (CD 3) isn't working! :) I'm not sure why that is. I've tried many times and have also checked and seen that I don't have it or the cell phone. Do you have any idea why it isn't letting me enter the code? ;)

Now that I looked at another person's guide I got the cell phone and CD. But now the problem is that the playhouse isn't working. :eek:

:D :D I was wondering, how much money do you have to donate to the king before you get the gifts that he gives you? :D :D :D

I can't get the matchmaker thing to work and my tamagotchi is 6 years old I tried 8 times and there's no mail/ :)

hmmm, I think the tama beeps, like it wants attention, and if you're fast enough, there's the matchmaker. careful, tho, if you keep missing itm your tama will turn old...

Thank you SO much for the codes, I've been looking all over! If you need help with tamas, you can ask, though, it might be a better idea to ask Tama master here. :angry: :unsure: :furawatchi:

:lol: Hey Tama Man awsome guide I like it really helps!

The CD3 code is wrong it's CAAA BACB :mellow:

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