V4 x V4 journal


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hey all kira is still a violitchi and karie is still w/e she is lawl

Karie- THAT'S SNOT FUNNY!!!!!!!

Me- *laughs really reaaaaaaaaaaallly hard* did you just say snot funny?!


kira was being a good gurl brushing her teeth and karie was practiceing her gymnastics doing sumersaults.

im on a diff computer right now so i'll post later over 160 post! yay keep reading people!! :mametchi: :mametchi: :p

karie died.....*sobs* i woulda saved her but i thought she was my brother's tama and i let it dieeeeeeeehihihiiiiiiiiii

kira was really upset today (probly because of her loss) and i had to keep playing games with her if not constantly i had to like every 1/2 hour cuz i don't wanna spoil her with snacks all the time.

kira and ethan (my brother's tama) are really hitting it off we're gonna keep them away from eachother for a while so they won't mate so she can go on living the life (tama life that is) after this post me and

kira are going to tama town to get some points we would use the cheat just to get points but she wants to see max and julie in tama town instead of calling them

toodles for now!

me and kira just got back and julie gave her a fishing pole and max gave her some GP lawl just before i put HP teehee like i said all of you MUST see the go tamagotchi! videos they're cute!

Note to guys who have tamas---- Girls who have we think it's cute when a guy has one so don't be afriad if you see a girl that has one ask her what character she has :mellow:

my brother took my tama when i wasn't looking so now Kira has a little boy


she's happy with her baby but im upset cuz i wanted her to live as an adult and stuff

i still haven't restarted them yet im wait for the weekend so i have time and stuffim gonna be off for a while so check up on late saturdsay and i'll have a new post

hey all im sooooo sorry for keeping you waiting for sooo long i was just tooo lazy to take care of my tamas that i kinda got bored and stuff but my v2 is a boy and my V4 is a gurl i just started them nearly an hour ago so they should evole in the next 5 minutes or so and i'll post when that happens too theyhav't taken naps yet so figures..... oh ahhahahaha thed names are mason and sara after my friend so i oughta take care of her good teehee :D

oopsy mason made a popoo hahahahahahahaaaaaa im hyper and it's almost 10 pm so i think i ought go i'll still post when they evole though toodles for now

