v5 beep disorder


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TamaTalk Guides
Staff member
TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
ok some times when a v5 makes a beep it will make a diffrent beep sound then the one its supposed to make

example: when playing GOLF PUTT, when you get the ball in the hole it makes the semi-high pitched sound (which its supposed to do)

but some other times it makes the "plant growing" sound found in v2-4.5 when you use the plant.

let me know if i need to put in more info

also tell me if you know what these alternate sounds mean


:nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi:

Um... Humm. Maybe its for when you have earned more money or gained more putting speed. Golf putt, I think 5 putts, 13 putts, 21 putts and then 30 when completed... (The timing of earning more money could be a bit off but I think its about right. I'm currently running a v5...)

I'm not sure otherwise, I don't normally play with sound.

no it does it at random and not only for golf putt, it does it for any beep

p.s. it has been doing this ever since i got it,which was a few years back

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I've noticed this too.

I didn't think it would have any effect on the game play so I always ignored it.

Mine's been doing that lately too,I tend to ignore it since its not making it glitchy.

That happened to me too, when I used v5. I always thought it fuuny, with just a random beep appearing at weird times :p

I don't use my v5 almost at all now, since every generation always ended up resetted in a glitch tradgedy, I got so sad every time so I actually don't dare use it anymore... -.-

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