V5 help again


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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Can someone please help me!I just got a v5 and I know how to feed it and all the buttons but does it evolve, why do they give you three,when can I go to the dating channel, what does the bottem left button do with the bubble over someones head and why do my tama have ? over there head every time I press it?Please help me these are some and the most important question even if you can answer one could help pleeeeeeeeeease

thank you


You get three eggs because the point of the V5 is to take care of a whole family. Eventually, when your tamas have grown to adults and have been adults for... I think 48 hours(?), you can go to the Dating Show, get a mate, and then start a new family with more eggs!

Now, the bottom left button is the "Training" button. It replaces the School, Work, etc., function from the v4.5. You cannot use this function whenever you want, only when your Tamagotchi call for it. You will notice this happens when your Tama will beep, and you will see a large thought bubble with a musical note or... something else... over your Tamagotchi's head. When you see this, select the bottom left icon, and you will be able to choose what to train your Tama in. Continue to do this on a regular basis, and you will "Bond" with your pets, meaning you are taking better care of them and they may evolve differently! The reason you see the question marks over your Tamas heads if you press the Training button when they are not asking to be trained is because they do not want to do what you are asking them to do! There is more information around the board on this topic under "Bonding"!

Hopefully I'm not babbling TOO incoherently!

Jenn :D

No you are a very big help I understand everything now thank you

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