v5 problem


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Feb 7, 2008
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On my v5 I have two teenagers and one :) I'm pretty sure ichigotchi is an adult. Why would I have two teens and an adult, would one grow faster than the other?

ichigotchi is a teen people get mixed up because it was an adult in the v1.

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ichigotchi is a teen people get mixed up because it was an adult in the v1.
You're right, ichigotchi is a teen.

It's totally ok. It's not an adult, but many tama owners mistake them as one. Don't worry, your tamagotchi is just fine. ;)

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ichigotchi is a teen people get mixed up because it was an adult in the v1.
ichigotchi wasn't, sorry, isn't, (v1s still exists!) an adult in the V1.

It's always been a teenager.

how'd you think it was an adult..?

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Evumeimei is right. Although in V3 tamatown it is grouped with adults and had it's own town, it's still a teen and always has been.

ichigotchi is a teen people get mixed up because it was an adult in the v1.
Wow, Ichigotchi was NOT an adult in the V1. How do I know? Because I've had my 2 V1's since 2004 and the Ichigotchi has never been an adult. It's a teen and it always has been, and most likely, always will be.


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It depends on which one was born first and the amout of time you paused it for and sometimes it that certain type can be mistaken for an adult as tamachick1200 said earlier, I hope this has helped you.


oh sorry I thought it was a adult because it's one of the popular characters like mametchi, mimitchi, memetchi, kutchipatchi, etc. and all of those are adults I just got confused. Thanks for your help! ^__^

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