V5 Tamagotchi help me please?


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Jun 28, 2008
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Hi ! So I just got two tamagotchi v5s yesterday and im so happy! And yea, i know all about

training and all that stuff. And I still have a blended family on both. So, on one of my tamagotchis,

i always do the smart training and on the other i always do cheerful. So, is there a way

to check and see if your family has beocme smart yet or if it is cheerful yet?

-If i have to marry a cheerful fam. with another cheerful fam, then how do i know if :huh: i did

the training right, and if it is working towards being cheerful in the first place! :huh:

Someone please help me get my head on straight!!! :eek:

Anything that helps out will be greatly appreciated! Oh, and also...

Does putting your v5 on travel effect what it might evolve into??

No. When you put it on travel it is just on pause and doing this does not affect what it will turn into when you un-pause it. It just makes them evolve slower.

I hope I helped with half of your question!

Hi ! So I just got two tamagotchi v5s yesterday and im so happy! And yea, i know all abouttraining and all that stuff. And I still have a blended family on both. So, on one of my tamagotchis,

i always do the smart training and on the other i always do cheerful. So, is there a way

to check and see if your family has beocme smart yet or if it is cheerful yet?

-If i have to marry a cheerful fam. with another cheerful fam, then how do i know if :D i did

the training right, and if it is working towards being cheerful in the first place! :D

Someone please help me get my head on straight!!! :)

Anything that helps out will be greatly appreciated! Oh, and also...

Does putting your v5 on travel effect what it might evolve into??
Just check when your tamas evolve to see if it turned into a Cheerful, Smart, or Pretty family. I'm guessing when they turn into adults that's when your V5 will show it.

And, if you marry a cheerful character to another one, chances are they'll be a Memetchi and Mumutchi, and they're become a pure Meme Family. Pure families have animations including family pets, and they're really cool families to raise.

No, the Travel Show, or pause feature, does not affect the outcome of the character(s).

Hope I helped!

Hi ! So I just got two tamagotchi v5s yesterday and im so happy! And yea, i know all abouttraining and all that stuff. And I still have a blended family on both. So, on one of my tamagotchis,

i always do the smart training and on the other i always do cheerful. So, is there a way

to check and see if your family has beocme smart yet or if it is cheerful yet?

-If i have to marry a cheerful fam. with another cheerful fam, then how do i know if :p i did

the training right, and if it is working towards being cheerful in the first place! :huh:

Someone please help me get my head on straight!!! :p

Anything that helps out will be greatly appreciated! Oh, and also...

Does putting your v5 on travel effect what it might evolve into??
There's no way to check your V5 about that, but sites on the Tamagotchi Topsites show information charts to show which kind of character your character is.

The travel show only pauses your Tama. It's just a pause mode.

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