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I think they are cute also the I love my family can be for boys and girls :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:
(To quote: That wouldn't work. *points to the color of the tama, which is pink*)


They probably spent 10 hours on the lame girly ones, and then went, OH, the boys. Let's make a boy one. And there came the lamest one ever. The rocket ship one. That's for little boys who are 6 and 7 and 8..... What about the older boys?

And about the keychains... I agree! Gosh, make something better for once!!!!!!!!! A key would be cool!!!

the US ones are NOT THAT GIRLY. they have cookie dough...and that is not just for girls.guys can have cookie dough...or circles...or rocket ships. you people shouldnt be that mad.
have u seen the outline around the screen and the anntenna tip? its pink. the only guy 1s are the space trip ,house, , aquarium, and blue abstract

have u seen the outline around the screen and the anntenna tip? its pink. the only guy 1s are the space trip ,house, , aquarium, and blue abstract
yes but I bet that new v5 astyles will come out I mean that can't be all the v5 designs :eek:

yes but I bet that new v5 astyles will come out I mean that can't be all the v5 designs :D
good point. B) but i guess for now ill get tamagotchi house and then the space trip(why does space trip have to be the second wave? :eek: )

I agree, but Over in aus they have had some cool designs for boys and girls.

On v1 there was the flames on that I had, and the v2 & 3 had the camo. But yeah, I could only get a v4 that was pink! I dont like pink, but I guess I'm a bit of a tomboy.

I made some designs that would be suitable for boys and maybe girls:

>Spotty Blue<

>Green Stripe<

You can give me feedback on if you like em, boys.lol.


I agree, but Over in aus they have had some cool designs for boys and girls.
On v1 there was the flames on that I had, and the v2 & 3 had the camo. But yeah, I could only get a v4 that was pink! I dont like pink, but I guess I'm a bit of a tomboy.

I made some designs that would be suitable for boys and maybe girls:

>Spotty Blue<

>Green Stripe<

You can give me feedback on if you like em, boys.lol.

Yes in Australia they have better designs I can say that. I don't like pink either but I have a pink seethrough v3 I bought that because you could see all the computer chips and wires it looks neat. And also I think you shopuld email your designs to Bandai they are great! Please tell me what program youused thanks! :lol:

good point. :( but i guess for now ill get tamagotchi house and then the space trip(why does space trip have to be the second wave? :lol: )
Ya I think the tamagotchi house is for boys and girls. It is too bad it is coming in the second wave. (this is a suggestion) I bet if you hold off for a while that a 3rd wave will come and there will be new designs and one for boys and girls :(

Well in argos in england they only have 1 design and its glittery pink

wow! all of your input seems to be very opinionator! =D

but the shinobi one looks smexy...i may buy that one ^___^ (after i beg meh dad for it, i cant buy things online, he has to do the internet thing, i'll give him cash )

tamagotchi v5 comes to north america on feb 15th :marumimitchi:

(i ordered mine early from ebay for 32$ (>_<)

Yes in Australia they have better designs I can say that. I don't like pink either but I have a pink seethrough v3 I bought that because you could see all the computer chips and wires it looks neat. And also I think you shopuld email your designs to Bandai they are great! Please tell me what program youused thanks! :(
I just drew it on paint! lol. I could draw you a template though, if you like :)

Template for you to use :(

And where I lived they only had the clear one in an ugly-ish yellow.

~tama_grl :(

Well I've been thinking a bit and I've been wondering this:

Why are some colours considered more "girly" than others? Why is pink considered a "girly" colour? It's not wrong for boys to like pink! I know some people say pink is for girls and blue is for boys but why? Why does it seem like girls can wear any colour without people staring but it seems that it's very strange for boys to wear pink? I mean, pink is just a colour!

Dancing Kayley, I agree with your opinion 100%. but for the boys whom like tamas, i doubt theyed like to be critisized by their male peers (because scociety is stupid that way xD) for having a pink toy.

Yes, I can see boys teasing other boys for liking pink.

Sometimes I feel as though I have so many questions- but no answers!

i compleatly knoiw how that is. :gozarutchi:

oh my, it appears we have veered a bit off topic. :furawatchi: errmmm.... if you want to talk to me about non V5 related things, pm me ^^""

so who else is annoyed with bandai? 8D

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