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Active member
Jan 10, 2010
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here are some v6 cheats that work, bound to help you on your way to a sucessful adult character.

these are ordered in the different growth stages, and the cheats needed at each. some cheats are needed at more than one stage!


if you're on 2generation, you might want a gift from the parent. to do so, set the time to 12:29 pm, wait a minute and door is hightlighted. YOU MAY HAVE TO TRY THIS MORE THAN ONCE. 1generaton? play lots of games to earn music skill points.


just grown and want playschool quicker? well, set the time to 12:29 pm, and there's the teacher! YOU MAY HAVE TO TRY THIS MORE THAN ONCE.


want a band quick? set the time to 12:29 pm and you know what happens! YOU MAY HAVE TO TRY THIS MORE THAN ONCE.


when it's 1-2 yr: go to away and meet your band to make them grow and have an audition.

when it's 3-4 yr: you may marry another music star for a baby boy. just go to friends, and get one friend to 4 SMILING faces and the next time you connect those 2 ADULTS they will marry.

when it's 4-5 yr: prepare to marry! by now it should have won an award and an audition. the next day is your marriage chance!

when it's 6-8 yr: your adult time is up, and it's time to choose between getting a senior or marrying to star a new generation. to marry: set the time to 12:29 pm and guitartchi will come bringing a mate. YOU MAY HAVE TO TRY THIS MORE THAN ONCE. if you don't like the mate, try again! to get a senior: just carry on the tama-life-time and it will keep on aging.

senior cheats are not available. hope my cheats help! they have been tested on many tamas, new and old, with glitches and without glitches, so will probably work!

i'm currently trying to work out a cheat for going to concerts, and getting some gotchi points. i love working out cheats and i'm always making them. i have a new one! how to turn your tama into a masktchi/kunoitchi/gozarutchi/tosakatchi: dont care about the name, just get the right gen (1 for masktchi or gozarutchi, 2 for kunoitchi or tosakatchi) and make it simply sleep day and night and check it all the time. it works!

making cheats is just what i like. i sortof come across this time that i get the audition and then set it to that again and theres another1!

i will give new cheats every month or so because im always making them. i guess bandai has a lot to keep secret...it was them who did this, and kept it secret, waiting for a person like me to come along and share them! plz try the cheats becaue they really make it all easy.

Thank you, you saved my chamametchi from dieing from lack of money, you see i thought you get money from the king until the adult stage so i spent my money on CD's. So then i had no money for food and i didn't know what to do then I saw your time cheats and I just kept setting the clock to 12:30 and i got food. Yay! Now she is a healthy mimitchi :angry:

BABIES CHEATS:if you're on 2generation, you might want a gift from the parent. to do so, set the time to 12:29 pm, wait a minute and door is hightlighted. YOU MAY HAVE TO TRY THIS
Thank you! I just got a boat from mine. and it grew into an Ichigotchi afterwards! :eek:

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