V6 or No!


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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
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bandai and other sites say theyll have the v6 this month and that month was like 1 or 2 months ago are they gonna tell the truth??? or has it already came out is it the clover edition me friend said her borther saw it and said it looked like a cloud and star that was the cloverrrr!!!!!!!!!!! im soooo confused :p


In early 2008 (January or February?), Bandai USA said there would be a refresh of the V5 in July. Everone assumed this meant the July product would be a V5.5. In July a new product came out, but it wasn't called a V5.5, it was called the Tamagotchi Connection Celebrity Familitchi V5. Actually, the package doesn't even have this full name on it. The package just says "V5 Tamagotchi Connection", but you can recognise it's a new version by the pictures of the celebrity characters. (Also, it comes with a mini CD-ROM.) Note: currently the V5 Celebrity is still not available in all stores. You may have to look around for a store that has it.


Since Bandai UK didn't mention anything about the V5 refresh, people in the UK have written to them, asking about it. Bandai UK have sent various conflicting and confusing replies. One reply mentioned that the V5 refresh will not be sold in the UK, however a V6 will be available at the end of the year (2008.)

Clover Edition

The Clover Edition is not a real product. It's a work of fan-art.

The Clover Edition tamagotchi is a tamagotchi (a very good one indeed) that was made up by OsuMesu21. A lot of information (all made up) is right here, from his/her log in Tama-Zone. :wacko:


(Even I wish it was real!... I beleive there is a clover v2 coming up, and it says so in his/her avatar!!!)


i cant wait until they come out with one.... but i absolutly hate the fake ones!!!! and i love ur saying...lol ;)

Well in the UK, supposedly the V6 will come out in January '09 but for countries like the US of A and Japan, I expect the release date will be earlier, about November-December this year. I do not know for sure, but that is my guess, it usually works like that with the releases.



my guess v6 will be the all new tamagotchi with coloured pixels? I doubt it'll be only exclusive to japan as many of us would want to buy this despite the price. I'm sure the bandai us and bandai asia will feel it's worth investting their $ on the new tamagotchi. it'll be my last v6 because I'm too old to play that ^^

guys, just start saving up whatever you can, then by the time the new v6 comes, you'll be able to buy. Asian countries get these 3-4 months after Japan/US due to translations and licensing.

I seriously CANNOT wait 4 the new v6s 2 come out!!! I mean, how long can they take???!!! I agree it will be sooo cool 2 see tamas with coloured pixels!! :D ;) :wub: :blink:

cant wait till v..oh wait hold on "tama what i tell u about pooping!"...what ohyea cant wait till v6 :furawatchi:

V5.5In early 2008 (January or February?), Bandai USA said there would be a refresh of the V5 in July. Everone assumed this meant the July product would be a V5.5. In July a new product came out, but it wasn't called a V5.5, it was called the Tamagotchi Connection Celebrity Familitchi V5. Actually, the package doesn't even have this full name on it. The package just says "V5 Tamagotchi Connection", but you can recognise it's a new version by the pictures of the celebrity characters. (Also, it comes with a mini CD-ROM.) Note: currently the V5 Celebrity is still not available in all stores. You may have to look around for a store that has it.


Since Bandai UK didn't mention anything about the V5 refresh, people in the UK have written to them, asking about it. Bandai UK have sent various conflicting and confusing replies. One reply mentioned that the V5 refresh will not be sold in the UK, however a V6 will be available at the end of the year (2008.)

Clover Edition

The Clover Edition is not a real product. It's a work of fan-art.
binary??!! youre from tama-zone!

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